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Posts posted by Gazza.H.18

  1. I've read in one of my books on shotguns that .410 , 20 and 12 bore will all fire the same distance , just you are ging to have be more accurate with the shot as not such a big pattern off the .410 compared to 20 and 12 bores. And would like to say i've shot pigeon at 30-40 yards with my single barrel .410 and they have droppe stone dead .

  2. On my syndicate one of the lads had mentioned that he was selling a double .410 , as i have always wanted one of these and will be perfect for my rabbit control. I told him to fetch it up so i could have a look , so he brought it up today . was well pleased with it seemed in good condition and everything so told him i'd have it off him. Hope you all like as much as me .










  3. I would say terrier mate , I have a bedlington terrier and she will work brilliant , she is 10x's better than some of the spaniels on my shoot. She is great at working cover, will flush anything , rabbits, partridge, pheasant ,basicly she will go for anything that moves haha. She is a proper cracking dog.


    Few pic's of her.








  4. I would recommend getting a collr n locator for def. I have the new version it ok it locate them , bu the depth finder is wrong at times . If u can pick up the old version they are alot better . But you def need one mate , get your friend told .




  5. Haha a don't think i'll making a loin cloth mate . Well i have stripped the fat and left over meat off the skin with a knife , and now i have put it in a barrel of salty water to get rid of the blood , going to soak it for a day then salt it by hand. See what happens.


    Thanks for advice

  6. I have just got a deer skin off my mate , and i was wanting to try cure it n dry it out. I have done this with rabbit skins before n just used salt rubbed in and let them dry . But this doesn't always get a good dried out skin and stil attracts moisture to it . Does anyone have any ideas how i could do this skin , and get a good finish to it???


    any help or ideas would be helpful.

  7. I have a hatsan escort , its brilliant , nothing wrong with them , i picked it up pretty cheap too. Its realtree , 12g, got 4 or 5 chokes for it , its light weight reliable a spot on all round gun , i've used mine to shoot rabbits, crows , pigeons pheasants . Its good all round gun.

  8. Thought i'd add few pic's of what i've been making lately, my old ferret cages were getting bit crap n run down so thought i'd make a new set for my team off ferrets . Heres a few pic's hope u all like .



    First couple stages getting frame work n that up .




    Got all completed n the ferrets in there new cages , made them all in one block 4 tiers high , keeps them out the way n tidy in there little shed.



    Another one of the cages complete .



    Made this a while ago , but hadn't go locks for it , so put them on ready for the outings over the winter, looks good finally finished off.



    Another of the box, with the locks on and finished.



    Hope everyone likes them, not bad as they all made from scrap wood really.


  9. Robbing c**ts , want there head smashing in . Am from county Durham area n i've heard nothing off any gear being pinched must just be down ur area mate , hope u catch the little fucks , n sort them out !

  10. I have just got a couple new ferrets , a polecat jill , and a cinamon hob this years youngens they great can't wait to start them. These will go along with my other 3 ferrets . Sinse i got these new ones thought a needed a update with me hutch , so i have decided to make myself a new one , started it yesterday , its guna be a 4 tier (story) hutch so i can get all my ferrtes together in one place , looking good sofar , will upload pic's of ferrets and my new hutch in the making soon . Can't wait to finish it , just finished making my bow back carry box too , will put pic's of that on too . Hope everyone will like . :)

  11. Thanks for everyone who has replied , a couple people have said the strap is to thin , i no it is its just the only one i had at the time so i put it on with nut and bolts , so i can take it off and replace any time i want . Going to get some latches for the lids sometime soon . Trying to get some from work as i'm a apprentice joiner . Hope everyone likes it, any questions or anything give me a reply . :D

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