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Everything posted by michaelw5753

  1. i dont bother with tips any more just pick my own thats part of the enjoyment when you get a winner
  2. i got him from a lad near batley he had two lads and a bitch pup and he kept the other boy so un less yours is a bitch they wont be related
  3. my patterdale is about 6 an half month old now and i set a rat trap at work and finally cought one so i took my dog up to the yard and let him have a sniff at the trap then i let the rat out, my girl friend thought it would get away but i thought differant and i was right. looking forward to taking him ratting later this year now
  4. yeh we have been seperating and sitting in the hedge, it was freezing today out of the sun when your sat doing nowt for over an hour cheers for the advice any way, i must ad mit i missed 2 today i think i got too exited after getting a kill on my 1st time out last week, just need to chill a bit
  5. we are both in camo gear and quiet but they seem to know that its time to go in and stay in, last week we went to the same place and saw more but did not get more . the total today was 2 and my mate got em both
  6. when is the best time for shooting rabbits, me and my mate have been going in the afternoon cos he said he was getting plenty at that time last year but i thought it would be best in the morning, its my 1st year shooting so i,m not gonna argue with him and its his permision aswell an we're seeing rabbits but as soon as they see us they go back in and dont come back out, cheers
  7. everything needs locking up nowadays mate, if its not chained down they'll have it, the kid dont know that tho so you was lucky really
  8. well its been all go since i bought a patterdale in november , i went out ferreting with my mate at the back end of the season and loved it got a few bunnies so i;m getting some ferts my self and built my sen a cage but this week i took it a bit further and bought an air rifle, took aprox 16 shots at a target before going on to my mates permision , sat for ages, saw loads of bunnies but they were too far away so we moved on and i sat there ages and all of a sudden a rabbit popped out of the hedge, i aimed fired and woo hoo i got it ..... what a buzz i could not believe my luck , that was th
  9. got a sony psp for sale with no games just console ,hard case, soft case charger, headphones and memorystick adaptor. will take £55.00 incuding potage in uk
  10. they look sound mate, i've just built a cage cos me an our lass are getting a ferret a piece soon, just waiting for my mate to get me some felt for the roof an i'm ready to go
  11. mine chases his tale and bites it but doesn't draw blood tho he sits with his jaw clamped on it for ages, i thought it was maybe because it had been docked and it was like an old scab itching
  12. angus looks a nice type ,hows he bred pall ?? !! i've got no idea mate i've only seen his dad which is a patterdale and i was told his mum was patt with some staffie in it but i've no idea weather they are woking parents, i bought him as a pet but since i've joined this site i'm tempted to see what he is capable of but we'll see in the future cos i've not even been ratting with him yet
  13. been out ferreting for the first time this morning went for 2 hours and cought 3 rabbits and two go away
  14. looks very similar to mine exept mine has a white chest and my dog is 4 an half month and around 11 or 12 inch aswell, alltho i saw a woman with a border terrier the same age and it looked a lot bigger than my patterdale
  15. hello everyone i'm michael from leeds just found the site and thought i'd join up,i've got a four an a half month old patterdale terrier and i'm hoping to take him ratting soon
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