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Everything posted by michaelw5753

  1. well i got there but did not stay too long cos the young un was being a little bugger but i saw some nice little dogs and now i know about it i,ll be trying to get there next year aswell
  2. i noticed some on some land near my house a couple of days ago,first time i've seen em
  3. i might try and get down to this its not too far from me, does anyone know what time it starts ?
  4. some people are just trying to learn a bit more about the breed of dog they have bought, it might be there first dog and its better to get info from people who know the score int it
  5. i like to heve a bet and have a few beers do some weights, the odd jogging sesion and then hunting comes down near the bottom of the list but ive only just started this year so what else do you lot get up to
  6. this is my cousens little terrier,its not a working dog but its a little bugger for digging, if he points to a spot on the floor in his gardens an shouts get on it just starts digging theres holes all over his garden. nearly forgot to say its around 10 inch tts
  7. i dont know if the operation works well on dogs but my cousin has had the operation twice on his knee and its still not right so i think a dog would be more likely to rupture it again with the way they run about all the time
  8. as the title says i took my patterdale out with my mates two lurchers over the weekend cos we are hoping to make them a team so we took them near the woods to see if there were any rabbits about, now normally my dog wants to fight any thing he see,s when we're out walking but he seemed to be getting on sound with the lurchers just running round having fun but it all turned sour when one of the lurchers found a bit of rabbit what something had been eating, all three dogs started having it out with each other for this bit of meat, we got it off of them but the oldest dog just turned on my dog an
  9. i sat out in the rain and only managed to hit one but missed two others cos of the wind i think
  10. i.ve heard ya can leave the tap on really slow with a pan under and it does not register on the meter thus saving you a few quid
  11. my mate is selling this falcon fn 12 single shot with silencer,scope and bag i think it has a wallnut stock and adjustable butt pad it is doing 12 ft lbs and is in good conition ring lee for any questions on 07717533302
  12. he called at the gun shop today and the bloke in there just said it was a very old gun
  13. well its 3 mile away from my house so i will have to wait till tomorrow. the number on the side is 927 68
  14. i dont know it could be, its a carbine .22 if that helps
  15. i was gunna but i dont know how to up load pictures on to there. he said he thinks it is a light hunter so it probably is
  16. can any one tell me which model this is its a single shot with adjustable butt, my mate bought it this weekend
  17. good job mate, im a wagon driver and keep collecting wood from sites,i've built a fence ,a ferret cage and i've just about got enough for another fence in the front garden
  18. cheers buster 321c thats done the trick, was doing my head in having to read new posts like that
  19. when i click on a topic and read the first post, insead of being able to scroll down and read all the replys i have to click on each reply then go back an click on the next reply. is this somthing i have changed on my computer or has the lay out channged on the site
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