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Everything posted by michaelw5753

  1. we see quite a few on my mates permission when out lamping and when he got the permission the land owner told him not to go past a certain point in the fields at any time and we've seen the badgers running in that direction so i imagine theres a good few setts there
  2. cheers for posting anyway mate i enjoyed reading it
  3. it dont sound tempting but i bet i'd have some after a few gallon of ale
  4. you do a fair bit of digging dont ya mate, have you tried sticking a gutted rabbit down the holes to get the ferret back instead of digging, you dont get the bunnies but its easyer than digging
  5. bloody hell man thats a right hole, i dug 4 2 foot deep holes for fence posts today and got a sweat on, fair play to ya mate. how long did that take mate
  6. for a minute then i thought you were gonna say that squiral shit had caused the chest pains get well soon then anyway pal
  7. its a joke and its only gonna get worse.
  8. i'm a wagon driver tho and i was only doin 50 mph its hardly racing round the streets like a dick head i was just trying to get to the job on time without running out of driving hours which the silly european laws state our country must obide by
  9. got flashed on my way up to scotland last night so it looks like i'll be getting another 3 points and a 60 quid fine. . . .bloody joke it is
  10. heres mine . . . angus when he was 6 month and then 1 year old with his crazy ear which either sticks up or folds opposite to how a patterdales lug is supposed to, any way he's 3/4 pat and 1/4 staff and last time i measured he was 14 inch and weighed 10 kg
  11. went out with my mate,his lurcher, his eperianced hob and my 2 jills for there first time out,they worked ok i think the albino is gonna turn out to be the better of the 2 but we'll see in the future. we managed to get 5 in the end but a few got away as we ferreted a few hawthorne hedges and they bolted into the maize before the dog got to em, we also bolted 3 rats in a hole , we realized after we put the ferrat down that there was a corn feeder for the pheasants but it added to the fun,i just wish i had the terrier with me. some pics are too big so i'll have to shrink em
  12. sup up your beer an collect your fags,theres a row going on down in slough. the jam. .i like the song actually
  13. at the junction where the a580 east lancs road meets the m6 there is a hotel on the left as you head north on the m6 i saw loads of rabbits on a feild behind the hotel one evening in the summer have a look round there pal
  14. our permission is near tadcaster and we've had the odd one or two in the summer but since going on to our lamping ground about half a mile away we've seen a few with mixi and one all most recovered from it just in the last teo weeks
  15. me and my mate went out this morning, we took his 3 year old hob and his 2 six month old jills out to get them to learn the ropes, we did about 6 setts and got 4 rabbits and 3 escaped through bolt holes that were covered with leaves. i got a couple of pics when netting up but no end of day shots. i took one of my ferrets after they had had there dinner
  16. here are my 3 there all sisters and about 5 months old now so i'm gonna try them out in some small warrens soon. i'm gonna try the albino 1st as thats the biggest, i've got an albino a black eyed white and a pole cat coloured one which is my girl friends so i wont be working that untill i get some collers. pics to follow as there too big
  17. not posted in this section before but now is my chance. been out tonight with my mate and his lurcher its the third time we have been out in the last few weeks and have only got 1 each trip out but tonight in the pissing down rain we managed 3 and did not stay out more than an hour and half. i took my terrier out with us for the walk as well and he enjoyed getting a grip on the rabbits
  18. my dog got my ferret this morning but it lived to see another day cos it let out a very bad smell an the dog let go
  19. bugger thats twice in a week i,ve fallen for these
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