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Everything posted by apperknowle

  1. For general shooting. 30 or 32 gram 6's n you won't go far wrong. atb Martin
  2. Hello From Apperknowle, Derbyshire. In between Chesterfield and Dronfield. Topdog 2010, You from the Cross or Danesmoor end?
  3. Nice. I'm saving up for my SGC and Cabinet off Deker.(A credit to this site & The shooting community.) Then it's Pigeons over the spring barley, rabbits on the silage and squizzers in the woods. ATB! Martin
  4. RWS Super-H Point .22 cal Good pellet. Ultimate Ratter
  5. Nice. I'll be fishing and saving for my SGC now my mum says i can apply for it. Atb Martin
  6. It was actually me nagging and saying about my friend who has a shotgun and is just applying for his firearms and he's in the same year as me. and that persuaded her but i also used the tip's you gave me so thanks P.s. Deker, I'll be in touch when i've saved some money up. Any one going to the British Shooting Show at Newark? Atb Martin :D
  7. Good News Guys, My mum says i can get my SGC, if i pay for it and the cabinet. Atb Martin
  8. Cheers Zini, will do mate. Btw like your posts and vids Atb Martin
  9. Personally I wouldn't consider shooting Game with a straight cylinder, I mite consider Improved cylinder but only close range. This is my opinion others may say different. Atb Martin
  10. Nice To be honest I don't see the point in expensive guns because most people I know prefer there cheapest gun to there expensive ones.
  11. Very Nice, I'm only 15 so looking for someone in Derbyshire to learn the ropes off. Atb Martin
  12. Cheers for advice RicW hope i gt tht right. Yes i do know quite a few adults with shotguns. one especially well because it's the farmer who's farm i'm doing my nvg level 1 at. and he's known me for years. I'll try the tips. Atb Martin
  13. I want to fit a new spring to make my springer more powerful because atm i think it runs around 7.5 mark and want it 11.5 ish. anyone know anyone or gunsmiths that will do it in North Derbyshire/South Yorkshire? Cheers Atb Martin
  14. Hi Please can you give me tips on pursuading my mum to let me have a shotgun. and at 15 if you have permission can you shoot on your own (if you have a licence obviously) or do you have to be with someone over 21 because i've heard mixed stories. Atb Martin
  15. Yes clear pigeon are a good cartridge 30/32gm 6's good as anything for allrounders on rabbits, pigeon, crows, phessies.. Yep used a few round the farm i'm doin my nvq at, and they seem to work well on everything. and i believe they do them i fibre if you prefer.
  16. Cheers for advise every1. Stubby u gt a link to the site? Atb Martin
  17. Plenty near me! thinned about abit tho pigeons and rabbits, my fox has had a few rabbits i think. Atb Martin
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