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Everything posted by dpb82uk

  1. dus dog av good recall and id second what robs5230 just get out and lamp sum bunnys dog may not spot them all till they move or run try get close and any sitters walk up on them with lamp on till they run and slip if the dog see it and wunts to chase allso try get out with a good dog and watch and learn off others iv had a few people bring young dogs out to watch mi muts run and work ther will be sumone that will take u out and show you the ropes good luck
  2. my sbg bitch did hunt on and enter cuver a bit but sorted that now it dont catch as much bunny as my other dog but she stil sort [BANNED TEXT] she dus catch quick enuth
  3. went sunday mostly just to race lurcher in the sim racing he won 3 slips lost the 4th ok not fully fit but fun for the dogs and good to see
  4. ha ha thanks. evry 1 likes the brindle dog but the black bitch is good at her job to just need to be kep in chek moor. ill be takeing brindle dog the midland show sunday to see how he gets on in the Simulated Coursing
  5. black is salbllgrey pray drive completely ott but iv got cumming back to slip and cumming back [BANNED TEXT] i say she likes to hunt on but iv sorted that in less it runs then she will cum back with it other dog is best av run dus evrything right switched on in the day and spot on on the lamp best dog iv got
  6. any one thats bin or had a conviction for any crime shud be refused entery to uk
  7. thers a 2quid off entry coopon in the cmw whats the simulated coursing like is it wel organized
  8. if sum one asked me /can i lend ur dog to go on lamping / i wood be like y the fuk carnt i cum
  9. nice that pal makeing a new 1 me self soon
  10. iv bin out with 2 different lads that took ther Rat attacks and both wud not stay lit and kep fukin up but my 2 stroke engine worked fine all day
  11. mine seemed bit thin too found 3 ticks on her and in a few days she as put her weight back on and looks good all 5 kits look in top nik too
  12. dug threw a wasp nest that was bit of a surprise
  13. i will post on mi working dog group
  14. i think naturals look and feel lot better then sum board cut cattys
  15. got a whippet grey with a bit of saluki in but u carnt tell thers sal in it him the dogs in my profile pik are sal/whip/gery x whip/grey x grey if iv got that right
  16. i stained both but did not like how 1 looked so sanded it but the grain of the wood looked better after not got no power tools all dun by hand
  17. thanks i may av step by step piks that show what i do to put the yew and the horn on but as its a chunky catty i drill in to each fork and that use epoxy to stick a steel bolt i drill half way in to the horn so it is held in place by the tip of the bolt i used oak stain on 1 and polyurethane varnish to finished them
  18. sum piks of tow of my cattys oak and a oak yew and horn
  19. there pets to pet or greedy money grabers
  20. no but if i was did go catch moles id feed them to the ferrets
  21. close to me this might go and hav a look take a dog or 2 now i can keep them again the weather looks like it be ok on sunday as well
  22. bin playing a game called day z its a post zombie apocalypse survival game you can just do what u like in hunt animals zombies or bandits fish loot and kidnap other players or just kill them and take ther weapons and ammo do anyone play pc games or play DAY Z http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/221100/
  23. thanks im shur he will be he bin wayting 4 a bit not had much time to work on it nerly dun now stained it erleyer and now im on the 2nd coat of polyeurthane this is it with just the oak staine on
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