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Everything posted by dpb82uk

  1. 1st week of July they will 6 week old can let them go then i shud of picked the dog pup im keeping by then
  2. thats not good pal hope you fined a nice pup sum prats out ther
  3. my sal/wipp/gr he spot on dus what i tell it all the time clever little dog
  4. i am dropping the price of the pups to £150 i think a fair price for a pup
  5. how wood you get the plastic reel on the starter im makeing one and thats all i need to do then its dun
  6. yer thanks i sell for what i wood pay iv put alot in to my dogs and bred to keep dog pup back
  7. dam is about 24 tts sire looks a tuch bigger pups will most likely make same size im gessing
  8. yes i PM you about piks you can come see the dog run if you like iv booked this week off work and im on 2pm till 10shit next week so cud do bit of lamping if like to see him work
  9. the dam is sal/bull/gr X 1/4bull/gr and the sire is sal/wipp/gr X sal/grey both work with ferrets terriers and on lamp £180 cheshier pm of info
  10. was going to get panacur wormer for all me dogs what do others think is best for a bitch and a litter of pups i mostly use drontal, advocate, or milbemax my self herd panacur is good too so what do you lot think ATB Dave
  11. has he dun any ratting / bushing / or any sort of hunting
  12. my bitch's pups dew sumtime this week

  13. dpb82uk


    Lots of them on my street dogs av had a few in the garden
  14. Bitch is sbg and dog is sal/wip/gr x wip /ge I got them both off thl as pups the bitch I got off chunk and the dog I got off Ebo No [BANNED TEXT] I'm doing but any info or tips peep can give me on looking after a pregnant bitch and pups things to look out for I'd be grateful
  15. Shud have rid of most but ther probably be sum left shud be due about 18th may carnt way be keeping 1 back and few frends and peep I no r after them so hopfulf het 1st litter is a small 1
  16. good luck with him i got a 1/4 lakey beddy me self
  17. was founed in warrington ner hawleys lane ner eddy stobart i was guna bring it home take it vet see if was chiped and try fined the owner and hopfully save sum 1 paying the dog worden but maniger giv it the dog worden befour i finished work the bitch was chiped so if its anyones on thl the dog wordens got it now and hopfully it back at its home soon
  18. dpb82uk

    What Lamp?

    iv just got a 2 mil candle power clulite lamp 72£ im well happy with its small and esey to conseal and can skrew off handle and put on rifle a high beem thats enuth to run me dogs and a low dull sort of light good for obstacles
  19. not shur about wood dye but iv used tea to dye antler with good results
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