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Everything posted by dpb82uk

  1. What you got ???? where u at maybe we can sort a mooch out sum time will av get no u bit first thow its the racey dog on mi avatar
  2. mine sal/wip/gre x sal/wip x gray fast off mark turns mint very good strike works just as good day and night marks/ferrets lamps jumps anything not afraid of anything a 1 comand dog the best iv ran but thats cos iv had it out 3 or 4 times a week and sumtimes moor from 12week old sumtimes ferretin then lampin same night i keep him fully fit all year and work him all the time put moor time and work in this dog than most people spend on the THL you carnt just get the best dog you got to make the dog the best
  3. id try horse stake if saw it for sale and didnt cost to much whats wrong with it other countries sell and eat them
  4. http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/adverts/196715-chocolate-patterdale-terrier-pups-barnsley.html
  5. have you needed to make a clame and was it esey and strate forwed or a paine in the ass the vets all say that petplan is best it it coz thay get payed for evre 1 thay get to take out ther insurance or sumthing
  6. most if not any ferret will work if you get it out and give it a go sum seem shit at first but get better as thay get older and are worked moor
  7. look nice and 125 not much for a pup
  8. milk or dark chocolate soz to take the pis whats the most u will pay i wudnt pay moor than 200 for any pup off good working stock
  9. i stoped for over 10 months but started after army knocked me back didnt use crap like patch or pills just go 4 a run or a workout fort it esey but wunted go in army so that was all the drive i needed am quiting agen dun 2days up 2 now
  10. like topic sez whats the best insurance to get to cuver both my lurchers thanks for looking atb dave
  11. dpb82uk


    made sum nettle beer had 2ltr of it last night the next day i woke up on the floor with half a pint left in the glass sum strong stuf it is
  12. probably not all Charlie!!! Ru for fkn real?? Wat else wud he be digging fkn wombat!!!! Give yourself a shake soft lad hahaha
  13. it sez im not permited to post this type of file the piks iv bin sent dont seem to be jpeg files and are aspx files
  14. thanks shame the pikz my mate emailed me wownt up load
  15. out ferreting for 10am today only hit 4 sets got 11 in the bag 5 for the spaid 5 for the long net 2of them the black bitch pushed in to the net and 1 net sliping bolt the bitch picked up about 30yards from the set got piks but ther ASPX files and i carnt seem to be abl to upload to thl
  16. got a sal/wip/gray fast off mark can turn good jumps good will run all night and be at the door for sum ferreting the nextday
  17. iv tryed all sorts of fox callers inclueding me hand and not had no luck
  18. put the lamp battery in a food bag befour i put it in the carrybag . i was out lamping in the rain the carrybag got soked i was lamping a rabbit and lamp went off the wier melted and i had to rewier the lamp
  19. my sis got a bitch nooted last year she sed she had a lurcher as well thay tryed to get her to get that dun as well and told her about 2 kenals that had just pts evry lurcher in both kenals even pups the reason for this was thay had to meny lurcher type dogs
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