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Everything posted by scouse

  1. what temps are we talking to give them problems ???
  2. has anyone had problems with there ferrets when its been really hot ?? i got told they dont cope with high temps and there health goes downhill pretty quick in the heat . !!!!! cheers .
  3. what do you on the bottom of your courts ???
  4. yip still here brother fox . BLB just asking mate as i'm after someone to tag along with!!!!!!!
  5. maybe the grand hes talking about is dollars not pounds ??? where are you in oz BLB?
  6. scouse

    dog joke

    TWO hardened criminals in their cell when door opens and new inmate walks in. he asks them 'what you in for ?" ' armed robbery with violence " they say . 'what you in for? 'they ask him . he says 'sex with animals!!!!! '' 'what the fuc...!!! sex with animals !!!! how low can you go ???"" they shout . to which he said 'well i once done a jack russell !!!!"
  7. welcome mate , where in oz are you ???
  8. does any hunt regularly in sand dunes ?? just wondering as ive seen lots of rabbits in them
  9. reading posts regarding breeding worker to worker puzzles me when ralating to half bull crosses . what do you look for in the 'bull' ? and where do you get a working ' bull ' to breed from ?? excuse me if this sounds stupid but it baffles me
  10. so how long would it take me to set up say a 25 yd net ???
  11. i live in perth . from liverpool originally , been here 2 yrs . its a great place mate but its not as cheap as it was . do your homework first . house prices have gone up 42 % in a year!!!! but theres plenty of work if your a grafter . its different mate no doubt about it . but like anything you only get out what you put in
  12. heres my problem , where i take my russell theres a track then a strip of undergrowth about 10- 20 mters wide which holds rabbits . then another track on other side then really dense bush which i cant get through . as i approach rabbits bolt, dog gets a quick chase then rabbits get to safety in thick stuff on right side . so would a long net work on the right side track if dog approaches from left track and pushes them towards ???? would i get to set it up before they've done the off anyway ??? i've never used nets as you
  14. where in australia are you ? whats the terrain like ??
  15. good posts lads. does anyone hunt around perth ???
  16. maybe i worded it wrong .never once said i intend to use the dog as a ferret !!!! i dont intend encouraging the dog to enter a rabbit hole either . tools question was just about finding what people take . cheers .
  17. thanks for the advice millet and its appreciated but when i read other posts lots of others seem to be bushing with their terriiers ??
  18. good craic but any other views on tools ?? good craic but any other views on tools ??
  19. just had to go storming through densebush after the little bugger took off after the scent of a roo . ripped my legs to bits
  20. if peter pays MY TICKET back i'll get it myself!!!!!!!
  21. i'm thinking about getting a ferret . i've got a 9mth old russell . do you think i'm a bit too late to introduce a ferret to him . i know it depends on dog but whats everyones opinion ???
  22. thanks mate but i dont think you would send it to where i live in western australia !!!!!!!!!! on the look out for one down here now !!
  23. thanks mate. i agree i dont want it disappearing thats why the kit . fold up spade is so it fits in holdall as i'm not meant to be where i wiil be !!! ferret would be a great addition i know .
  24. i've got a russell pup who i want to do a bit of rabbitting with . what kit/tools do you take with you ? i'm thinking a hold all with fold up spade , small bar , locator , maybe some sort of small saw for roots ? , water , ? any replies would be appreciated
  25. so what do you hunt ?? how ?? what with ??
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