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Everything posted by 410phil

  1. Fenn trap baited with peanut butter works every time All the best phil
  2. Thanks for the offer phil,a local farmer's son is going to shoot it for me before it gets in amongst my chucks hopefully. If you get stuck or he misses drop me a line and I,ll come and sort it for you mate. All the best Phil www.molebegone.info
  3. Sorry just read rest of thread ignore the last post ,,Hope you get charlie sorted soon Johnny 410Phil
  4. Hi Johnny I have one you can borrow,my only concern is how you are going to despatch it once it is trapped? All the best Phil
  5. Yes I certainly won't be parting with any cash when my membership comes up for renewal, 410 Phil
  6. It was a quick post whilst feeding my daughter if he had typed mole catchers into google it would have come up it was more of a steer in the right direction, I am a member of both and never had any work from either.so not bias to one over the other if thats what your getting at?? 410PHIL
  7. www.britishmolecatchers.co.uk Should be someone on there who can help or I can drive up from Derbyshire and sort em for £500
  8. Hi Pesca How old is the unit and at what distance could you clearly see a rabbit well enough to head shot it? cheers Phil
  9. Ferret/Polecats balls are only visible when they're in breeding season (unlike dogs), this time of the year the balls are retracting into the body. If it was that bad tempered I would say it wasn't a feral either so go smack yourself on the wrist Well Gnipper you will be glad to know I have just had a phone call from Derbyshire wildlife and they say its DEFINITELY a FERRET NOT a POLECAT I took it to them after I shot it as I wanted to make sure I had identified it correctly and it turns out I did. They also said there had not been a report of a polecat in Derbyshire since 1999. S
  10. Hi Matt its a bit far for me but if you type British traditional mole catchers register into google you will be able to go to ,find a mole catcher in my area type in Gloucestershire and you should get a list of molecatchers for the area you have had the enquiry for. Hope this helps all the best 410 PHIL WWW.MOLEBEGONE.INFO
  11. I was trapping squirrels the other day in live traps and then despatching them with the falcon,the morning after the first catch I get a phone call from the customer saying that there was a ferret in one of the live traps? So of I go to find out what the hell is in the trap thinking its probably a mink as we are snide out with them around here,but no its a big polecat ferret hob and he is not happy about been caught spitting and screaming more like a mink than a ferret so I get to thinking is it a polecat ??? well had a good look and could not see any knackers so it must be a feral ferret th
  12. Where abouts are you I am sure some one with frits could bolt em for your dogs,failing that napalm would probably do the trick 410 Phil
  13. After the stock had dried I used fine wire wool and then used tru oil 8 coats applied by hand and each coat left to dry for 24 hours and rubbed down with 0000 grade wire wool between each application. 410 PHIL
  14. Hope he gets well soon All the best 410phil
  15. This is my fn19 hawk that I recently re-furbed The only thing I would say is do not use sand paper to start stripping it use nitromors varnish and lacquer remover using an old toothbrush or scrubbing brush to work it into the chequering and when its blistered ind the old varnish starts to scrape off easily use a rag soaked in white spirit to wast the thing down and if needs be give it 2 or 3 goes with the nitromors. Sorry there are not many pictures but there isn't enough file space to allow me to upload them all. If you would like to see them all send me your e-mail and I 'll send them t
  16. Hi I had this problem and to save yourself some money just place a little nipper rat trap at the back of the cage trap with the bait trigger at the side of the cage so if is mice they can get in but I found that it was baby rats that were stealing the bait by sticking their heads through the bars at the back of the cage trap. Not anymore their not. Peanut butter everytime,works a treat. Phil
  17. You could just leave your set traps in the ground and keep trapping or try leaving the dead moles pushed up the tunnel from where you set the trap and disturbing the runs with a garden fork??? Phil
  18. Hi folks I do quite a few parks as I have the contract with the local council,what I do is tie a piece of hazard tape to the top of the spring arm say 6 inches long and then when the trap is set and buried you leave just the smallest piece showing in the soil remove the earth sod somewhere out of the way and make a note of how many traps you have set in each area you need to look for that may pieces of tape these are usually ignored by scrotes or they fail to see them yet you will know each little square of bare soil is where your trap is.I have also used crisp packets and drinks cans before n
  19. Out on Sunday,been up there tonight and had six in about ten minutes with the Falcon and didn't see any young en's so our seasons starts Sunday,cant wait to get my new girls amongst the action I think they are going to be amazing,showing all the signs of been really good workers so they will each get a turn come Sunday,plus my two older jills who are fantastic.Anyway I am babbling ..can you tell I am excited??? All the best folks 410 phil
  20. The flatpack company make excellent larsen springs and I don't think that they are that expensive,vert strong and last a bloody lifetime All the best Phil the mole
  21. Hi Lee Did you get the gins ok???? Phil
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