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Everything posted by 410phil

  1. try making sure one side of the cage is pushed up against something like a wall or a shed that shoud stop em dancing around it and concentrate more on going in it. ALL THE BEST Phil
  2. Tonight half eight on more four red vs greys should be interesting, if not always nice to see a grey get it brains blown out All the best PHIL
  3. The flatpack company traps re second to none they are powerful and they are bomb proof Hope this helps All the best Phil www.molebegone.info
  4. Yeh I am am also registered with The Guild Of British Mole Catchers also I am registered with the British Traditional Mole Catchers Register Who only allow trained individuals to register and do not use talunex or phostoxin only traditional methods of mole catching. :clapper: All the best Phil
  5. Hi Rob Thanks but no thanks, All the best Phil :good:
  6. Hi folks I have a FN19 Hawk 8 shot for a possible swap it is old but still put out over 11 pound at 185 bar The problem is I just cant get on with it in the field it feels like a toy and there is no response from the gun I know it probably sounds crazy to you guys who shoot pre charged but I really want to go back to a good springer. so what have you got to swap? It is old and it has a few battle scars but as I said it clover leafs pellets at 40 yards time after time. So if you are interested I can get some pictures up when I can get my other half to sort it out for me. may also be interes
  7. Are Trapline traps legal for use in the UK :hmm:
  8. I am only up the road this weekend so the offer is there if you need it. All the best Phil
  9. Where abouts are you mate ? I am a professional full time mole catcher and would be happy to come and get rid of it for you( :aikido: ) as long as your not in Scotland or somewhere else miles and miles away. Failing that I can give you all the advice and and help with trapping it out should you decide to buy a trap. All the best Phil :good:
  10. sticky sheets you can buy em from most hardware shops that'll sort the little b*****ds!! 410PHIL
  11. Hi folks I recently bought a strimmer and have removed the shaft so I basically just have an engine,How do I get it to produce loads of smoke to flush out rats? I have put 3x the amount of 2 stroke oil into the petrol can but it doesnt seem to produce much smoke any help would be appreciated as I have loads of rats to get sorted and no smoker Cheers folks Phil
  12. Whilst trapping mink on a local farm I managed to catch a baby mink which was silver in colour. I have never seen a silver mink before and all of the others from the traps were the usual dark brown normal mink colour. The pictures are on my phone so as soon as I can get it sorted I will post some pictures. Just wondering if anyone else had ever seen or trapped a silver mink? All the best 410 PHIL
  13. Thatsa good price ,,wish I was bloody closer I would have had it. good luck with the sale mate. 410 Phil
  14. Where in Derbyshire are you mate and would you sell me just the locator and collar as I have loads of nets and ferrets already Cheers Phil High Peak
  15. Peanut butter mate everytime its all I ever use put some in a pile on the floor smear it around and then they have to sit and lick it rather than biscuits or bread which they tend to just pull bits of and then fook off.Having to sit and lap at the peanut butter gives you a better chance of getting a good shot at them. If you go down the route of trapping them also use peanut butter as they cant drag it off the traps and you kill rate will be much higher before they become to wary of the traps,this really works as we put in 8 traps down the other night next to the chicken run and in the morning
  16. westernrivers.com there is some chatter on there but I got mine from the bbc wildlife website just type in magpie call mp3 into google and it comes up as garden birds song or something similar, Phil
  17. sorry here,s the link /pestcontrolinsurance.co.uk
  18. The NFU will cost you a fortune,give these guys a ring very very good and a cracking price. Hope it helps All the best Phil :good: :good:
  19. Could you please post the dimensions on here for us ? Cheers Phil :good: :good:
  20. I'll give you a tenner for it?? come on lets get the bidding started chaps.
  21. Hi Pal I am a full time mole catcher the reason your traps are probably been trigger is that you have not done something right, No 1 make sure there is nothing foreign in the run ie, grass,roots loose soil No 2 smooth the bottom of the run No 3 make sure the trap doesn't move and make sure the bottom of the kill loop is pushed onto the soil a bit No 4 try not to get any loose soil in the run once the trap has been placed,if you have gaps at either end then make sausages out of soil from the mole hill and try and put these around the trap to stop the soil falling under the trap,and cover t
  22. Where in Derbyshire are you mate ? cheers Phil
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