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Everything posted by conormc

  1. Nice one ! What gun did you use though? (im always interested lol) ATB I have a CZ 452 American, 17hmr firing federal v shok ammo, and after yeaterday evening add on anuda 29 bunnies. Thats 76 so far this week
  2. I use them, have ones by eley and cci. I wouldnt use them through a mod. My experience with them is that ten yards is the limit of their effectiveness, shooting any further just pisses the rat off. I always try to set my self up firing at about five yards away, but thats not always possible. And I tend to take the scope off and use the rifle like a shot gun.
  3. conormc


    I got a Harris 9-13 swivel on Sat, have been out the past three evenings and have to say it does the job. Cant really say much else as its the first bipod ive owned
  4. Thanks to all, for the advice on the bipod. Got a Harris 9-13 swivel on sat so the new kit was complete. Took it out the past three evenins after work and have accounted for 47 rabbits so far over the one farm
  5. If you have a .22lr you could try the .22 cartridge, although I have found u wont kill a rat after 8-10 yards with them
  6. The cartridge was all I had as I said I wasnt out for a fox happened on him by chance when scouting for pigeons. At 9yards i dont think it would make a difference. If i was going for foxes I would use a heavier load, still good advice, cheers.
  7. Went to check out a field for some pigeon decoying the other day. It was dead calm, clear and sunny. When I entered the field I didnt see one pigeon but spotted a fox out sunning himself to the right of the field on a brow. I dropped my jacked and binoculars and took off down the ditch at a steady pace. He never even woke an Eley Olypic Trap 28gr 7 1/2 to the head. Afterwards feeling rather pleased I sat hidden in the top corner of the field on pigeon watch. After half an hour or so something caught my eye in the bottom corner of the field. Two mink. I didnt even know I could run that fast!
  8. Thanks lads, im gonna go for the 9-13 swivel. Next mission finding somewhere to purchase it outside the rip-off republic.
  9. Definitely crows. A rook is slightly smaller than a crow, has a large grey colour beak with a bare patch of skin under it, and baggy feathers on its legs, looks like its wearing trousers, a crow has feathers on its legs but thre tidier looking. Well done though
  10. Cheers lads, out again tomorrow morn before work see how it goes. There gonna be fair wary after getting a good roasting the weekend, gonna try the caller never even brought it the last day
  11. Yeah I agree totally with Harry mac, I own a BSA sportsman its still as accurate as ever but the scope mounts onto the side and it took me about a year or more to find a scope to fit it. The one I enentually found is by gamo and is crap after about 30yards which is grand as v little of what I use it for takes place beyond that range. My advice is be patient and save a little more for something a bit more modern.
  12. This is no elephant but i do know a farmer down the road who dropped a charging friesian bull with a .22 from up a tree. I have shot foxes with my .22lr and know people who shot hundreds using a 22 when fur was in demand as it did v little damage, as long as the range is realistic I dont see a problem.
  13. We put down some a couple of years ago and have tried to avoid them since as not one was shot they just seemed to disappear.
  14. Was out decoying crows(trying at least) over the weekend, shot 19, but found it realy difficult, the crows just circled high over the deecoys and flared off, I know they have unreal eyesight cant imagine how they saw me as I was shooting from in between a double ditch.Any advice on decoy patterns or anything at all would be much appreciated
  15. What is the difference between the swivel bipod and the fixed? I read something about compensating on uneven ground but didnt really understand, does it swivel as in the rifle can do a full 360 on the bipod or from side to side?????
  16. Got a new CZ American 17hmr on Saturday along with an SAk mod and Hawke endurance 3.5-10X50. Its zeroed at one hundred yards I havent used it on Rabbits yet but here is what it does to a euro at 100yards and 2euro at 150 using federal v shok.(crappy pics from my phone) I was just wondering has anyone got any advice on the best type of bipod for the set up?
  17. Just saying hello Im new to the site but not to the sport and am looking forward to all the help and advice.
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