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fursty ferret

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Everything posted by fursty ferret

  1. yep, bit of bunny bashing tonight with me old boy as me bitch is out of action for a while
  2. cheers, my other dog had the same thing happen to him towards end of last season as my bitch, didnt knock the tooth out completly but it took a lot of gum out and the the tooth was just flapping, as its only the tooth loose this time will it come out by its self or will it need the vets
  3. my bitch took a smack in mouth, and shes feeling it a bit, 1 of the k9s is a bit loose so it might be a trip to the vets tomorro
  4. what human painkillers are safe for dogs? ( if any).
  5. I've always used chudleys puppy and bit of raw meat every now and then. All the best with ya pup
  6. My bitch broke hers.it had to be removed leaving it aboutt 3 inches long. She was ok on bigger things but couldn't get use to it on rabbits and couldn't turn like she did. The good thing with yours is it's only a pup and will no no difference. Mine was 3 when she done it.
  7. got her to the vets this morning, just got the phone call saying that he managed to reattach tendons, gotta pick her up at 4, hopefully it will hold and knit properly,
  8. i took my 18 month bitch out the other night and cut her self badly on her front right leg, about an inch and a half below the stopper pad, its only about an inch long going horizontaly, shes only just started putting her foot down it looks like shes gonna be flated footed or at least the two middle toes are, would i be right in saying shes damaged the tendons? has any one any advice on this, can anything be done? cheers for the help
  9. hi, have you any luck in finding dogs, my old man lives in weymouth and had his two nicked bout 4 years ago by couple of tossers from parkstone area, he managed to get both dogs back in one piece but the old bitch has never quite been the same since, f*****g scum of the earth dog theives, good luck in finding them,
  10. i have 6 hob ferret kits, born 8/5/11, 3 sandy and 3 polecat, from working stock £5 each
  11. as said above makes no difference aslong as done in moderation and the key word commonsense, i also find it helps keep the nails down and tightens the feet up abit if done on tarmac, i only started using a bike this season just gone due to loosing my licience and couldnt get em out as much as i normally do, i was told by someone that it can ware the pads and make them sore, but after a while would then harden up a bit? i no of a kennel huntmans that used to put rock salt down in the hounds kennels a week before they started exercise on the roads to harden the pads up
  12. when you say a touch of saluki, how much was it and did it make a difference stamina wise, im asking as i have a pup which is the same way its was about 1/8 i think at the most, he could could go on a bit and he had a very quick recovery time but i think he threw more to the greyhound side (having more greyhond in make up) as he was all about speed and where i tend to run is smallish fields
  13. heres one of my old blue dog, he was mainly greyhound whippet with a touch of saluki in there, this picture was taken in 2003, he got knocked over and killed in 2005, no world beater by any means but kept my freezer full,
  14. had rabbit in febuary with it on 1 bit of ground but havent seen it as bad as normally, a new place i got last season was full of it back in september but then dissapeared, the rabbit numbers seemed to be staedy there aswell and i aint seen mixy back there yet
  15. no shes collie/greyhound x deerhound/greyhound
  16. was gonna make this her last night as shes picking up and retreiving well,done everything i ve asked of her at this age, was thinking maybe its do with her lungs not being fully developed,
  17. my pup is 9 1/2 old, ive started her on the lamp, nothing to hard or over the top but when shes had a couple of runs and breathing a bit heavier she starts to whistle with her breathing, just been out with her tonight an when she started to whistle i brought her back home, ive never had this with any other pup, has any body else had this? and will it go away or does it mean theres a problem?
  18. whats the best way to cure a fox tail, ive always used meths, just a case of putting it in a jar and leaving for a couple of weeks, is there any thing i should do first or are there any other better ways cheers ff
  19. lost my licence too bud, get it back it back in december, cant get out as much as id like either relying on me mate or gotta go local but its run quite hard round here, got a smallish dog bred from me old mans bitch(collie whippet gh beddy) to a blokes dog from alderny estate, first x dh gh and a 8 month pup from her to a first x collie gh, what you running?
  20. got a little bit of permission but have been known to jump a gate or two, used to get about [bANNED TEXT] some traveller lads up your way but tend to go either with a mate from round here or meself nowadays, used run withechurch area a bit but that was years ago now, plenty of stuff round there
  21. alright mate, hows the bitch settled in, chuffed [bANNED TEXT] the pup last night, still earlie days lyke, speak later

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