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Everything posted by allen

  1. Always remember to put pork or fat bacon with venison or you will end up eating carboard. My Method. 1kg Venison 500g Fat Pork or Bacon 200g Breadcrumbs 200ml Red wine 10g Salt 10g Black pepper 15g Sage 5 crushed cloves of garlic 5g Allspice 5g Marjoram Half pint water Mince all the meat, then add the rest of ingredients, mix well, then put it all through the mincer again. I ony use natural casings, then leave in fridge for 24 hours to mature. You can use this recipe to make game or rabbit sausage TURAL SKINS
  2. The old rule in ''The Gower'' [ Wales ]is to hang game one week before Christmas and two weeks after. Myself, the quicker I can get them plucked / gutted and in the freezer the better.
  3. Hi, I have been using 7.5 @ 30gm fibre wad this year with great success.I am informed that the fibre wad spreads quicker than plastic and I have had great results on pigeon, pheasant and woodcock.Prior to this I used Express 6 @ 32gm
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