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Everything posted by tedted

  1. If your on the foreshore it wont matter, 5 minutes in and out of gutters and everything will be brown until you hose it off when you get home (or when the season ends in my case!) Go for maximum waterproofness and warmth, you can always chuck a bit of a net up if you think you need a bit more camo.
  2. Did he come from a litter from Church Stretton way, spit of my bitch.
  3. Just like to say a big thanks to everyone who gave me a warm welcome, and for takin a few concerns away. I dare say there' ll be more questions over the next few months, hopefuly stories 2.:-) Jon...
  4. My intention is for the dog to be worked. Not as much as some on here obviously. Mostly mooching, but I get out lamping fairly often and I'm crap with a rifle, so hopefully the dog' ll help out.:-) Ps long story behind the Ted. Cheers Jon
  5. Good point! He he, I only go to work, don't do anything! :-) I'll bring the post back to the top tonight.
  6. Firstly hello all! I'm not exactly new to THL, I've hovered arround in the background for quite a while now, using the forum as a bit of a reference guide / keep me amused. Anyhow time had come to ask a few questions I can't really find the answer to: Basically I've wanted a lurcher for a long, long time but due to one thing and another I have decided it's not been a good idea. I have finally moved in with the "better half" and want one more than ever! My quandary is I work 9 till 5, and the Mrs is hoping to do the same soon, at the moment she's at home, but this may not continue. Gi
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