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Everything posted by Tiggypud

  1. 10th - 13th April 2009. We will be there. Have a look at this page. http://www.selbygamefair.co.uk/ Tiggypud
  2. This is a pic of one of my ferrets. Marbled tummy, mitts and bib. Tiggypud
  3. 10th, 11th, 12th, & 13th April at Carlton Towers. Tiggypud
  4. Try putting a tin of sardines (the ones in oil) or cod liver oil into the food. Worked with my saluki cross. Tiggypud
  5. Yes we will be there running the Ferret Show, so dont forget to come on in and introduce yourself, why not bring your ferrets and join in the fun. Tiggypud and The Ferret Tamer.
  6. Had a Hancock lurcher a few years ago who would eat anything. One weeks menu:- 3 pairs of shoes, 2 new, 1 old, my reading glasses which he had taken from the dressing table while I was in the shower. my other glasses which he had taken outside chewed and buried in the rockery and a pkt of those knee high socks, which he kept "passing" back to me in the garden full of poo, first time we ever had poo already bagged up for us. Tiggypud
  7. Sorry to hear that. FT and I will keep our ears and eyes open, will put out the word to some of the lads around here. Just down the road from Hull on coast. Tiggypud.
  8. Tell the truth you show em I have what I call my "PR Lads" (20 in total) they do everything work for the Ferret Tamer, they are my pets, racing, go into schools to do talks and yes alright a bit of showing, only made it to 2 shows last year, that is the ones I wasnt running, 10 oldtimers living out the rest of their time in luxury, 13 youngster from last year coming along nicely, 8 jills, 2 stud hobs, 2 vasectomied hobs and 8 re-homers. I think. Changing all the time. Tiggypud.
  9. I wanted to use Stig but some one already had it lol. After my dog "Sir Stigmond Tiggypud of Seathorne" or Stig to his friends. Tiggy
  10. Try worming your ferret, I worm mine every 6 months or so. You would be suprised how this helps. Is it pooing and peeing alright? There has been a bug going around, pet ferrets people are calling it the green poo bug, the ferret have green smelly runny poo and go down hill quickly, over night i fact, just make sure there is plenty of water keep them hydrated, if in doubt get to the vets. Tiggypud
  11. Better add my lot to this..... (dont forget I run a rescue) 63 679 Tiggypud
  12. Hi All Just thought I would introduce myself. I run East Coast Ferret Rescue in East Yorkshire with my husband The Ferret Tamer. We owned Arthur the ferret that bit Jonathan Ross on the TV programme "They Think Its All Over". We always have ferrets looking for homes, working or pet. I have 3 Parson Jack Russels ( 2 bitches and a dog) from Howlbeck lines. We can be found around the Game Fairs most weekends during the summer so please come and have a chat a cuppa, kettle is always on. I will add all our shows to the events list. Look forward to reading and commenting on some
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