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Everything posted by Tiggypud

  1. I know this is a long shot but here goes. We have been looking for someone to put on the Lurcher and Terrier part of our show. We have been let down by the people who have run it last year due to family commitments. Show Date: 17th July 2011 Hill Farm Garton Road Aldborough East Yorkshire HU11 4QA There is enough room for racing, we can set up rings, ringside parking, Camping available from Friday, BBQ Saturday night. PM me or ring me on 07773754269 if you can help and I will ring you back. Tiggy
  2. Sunday 18th of July 2010 Lurcher and Terrier show Run by the NLRC, Plummer Terrier Show & Open Ferret Show. Stalls, Raffle At the Haxey Quays on the A161 Between Haxey and Gainsborough N Lincs DN10 4ES Free parking and entry For any further details please pm me. Tiggypud
  3. I also applaude Rose & John for cancelling shows. We too have cancelled a show and yes it will hit funds for the rescue hard. I am not putting a blanket ban on all our shows but cancelling them one at a time. I have been trying to keep up to date with all the information and which areas the distemper/corona is in, hopefully these outbreaks will come to a halt and as advised once we get 30 clear days from the last outbreak I see no reason why shows should not go ahead, with neccessary precautions in place. Of course all this is open to conjecture and depends on people being honest as to t
  4. Wullie I to got that email from NFWS, and as you are on Mercia ferret site you are aware that there has been ferrets in Chesterfield who have been diagnosed, by post mortum, as having distemper. Why do people not beleive that distemper is out there and killing ferrets or is this site turning into Shiela and Jean appreciation society where they can say and do no wrong. There has been cases in Stafford, Chesterfield, and Peterborough all confirmed. The NFWS is not the all seeing oracle, its only as good as the information is given, remember GIGO. Tiggypud.
  5. Well George are you saying that the vet and owners in Chesterfield are not telling the truth then. Tiggypud
  6. http://www.selbygamefair.co.uk/index.htm Try this all information you need on here. TP
  7. What are you looking for, I am a rescue in East Yorkshire and I re-home to working homes also I visit Derby quite a lot as the daughter lives there. So if I can help let me know. Tiggypud
  8. The lady I know in Derby that rescues ferrets does not post on here. Not sure she re-homes to working homes though, will check. Tiggypud
  9. Its a Vasectomised hob you want not a castrated hob. Difference being that a vasectomised hob has had the snip but still thinks he is entire he can mate with your jills and no end result, a castrated hob has had everything taken away no interest in sex at all, but saying that there are some castrated hobs that will still mate with a jill and bring her out of season, they are out there but not many. Try a local rescue they might be able to help you out, if not with a vasectomised hob they might know someone in your area who is willing to let you use theirs. I run a rescue and have
  10. Thanks for posting up these pictures Lee. It was a pleasure to meet you and help you out. If anyone is thinking of getting pics done then think of Lee first. How about his one its my favourite. Tiggypud.
  11. Keep an eye on the jills, there are people on sites saying their jills are coming into season now, the breeding season used to be when the days get longer but usually end of Feb, I know some of my hobs have dropped their equipment. Tiggypud
  12. Glad you went and got them. Keep us updated on how they are coming along. Tiggypud
  13. Is there no Wold Game Fair @ Sledmere this year. Tiggypud
  14. I am a rescue and cant stand to see any ferret in trouble, tell us where these ferrets are if you dont go and get them let us know, either I will go and get them or I will ring a rescue or someone closer that will. Tiggypud
  15. Why not give them to some animal rescue centre they would probably have a raffle going sometime and could use them as prizes. Just a thought. Tiggypud.
  16. I think you will need planning permission because its brick built. They might tell you to put in a planning application with payment and they will then refund you when and if they decide you dont need it. If its a tempory building ie shed type thing its ok but it cant be within 2 meters of the back/side wall of your property and not over 2 meters high. But why not ring the local council and ask what their limits are, I`m not sure all councils are the same thats what ours told us when we had trouble a few years back. Tiggypud
  17. I am just getting together all the Qualifiers for our last show of the year and I need an address or phone number for Lee McKenna. He qualified with his ferret Wise for the Working Ferret Class at Harewood House on 25th May 2009. If anyone knows him or if he is a member of this site could you pm me with a contact. Thanks Tiggypud
  18. Thats funnier than when my ex son in law took my daughters parson bitch to the vets cos it was bleeding. Tiggypud
  19. Sorry to hear about Sophie. Its not easy saying goodbye. Tiggypud & FT
  20. I usually run the Working Ferret show at the Midland Game Fair. I only recently found out that it was being advertised on their website, as no one had contacted me to confirm our attendance at the said show and time being short we are unable to run it this year. The organisers have promised me they will contact me later this year to discuss next year. So I am sorry there will be no Working Ferret Show this year at the Midland. Tiggypud. ps show is usually on the Saturday.
  21. Hi do you mean Malton Show at Scampston? If so its not on as company went bust (allegedly) after Pickering Steam Rally. Tiggypud
  22. This dog is still for sale.# New Telephone number 07896543911 ask for Chris. Tiggypud
  23. Hi can anyone tell me what dates Pride of the Peakes is on this year. I think its in September sometime. Tiggypud.
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