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Everything posted by vincy

  1. yes brock still got her she will take anything day or night shes in seson now got an excellent dog to put on her http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/46/pict...77medium2eg.jpg
  2. jake thats a fine looking dog mate i have 2 bull xs
  3. well if you look after your dogs. your dogs will look after you. cheers vince
  4. here is my kit remmy 700 in 22.250 fitted with ase mod and swars scope i would say the mod is much better than a t8 http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/9646/pict...46medium0yl.jpg http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/7752/pict...42medium9je.jpg
  5. here are mine got all mod cons lighting and drainage http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7282/picture1738lm.jpg http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/9972/pi...74medium5kn.jpg
  6. i heard hes found the dog ?????? hope so
  7. gutted i always miss out
  8. thats it poachers wife dont take any shit girl ps they are my fav biccies too :whistle:
  9. heres my runs 4ft wide by 6 ft deep and a big lurcher one thats 6 feet wide by 10ft deep with lighting and drainage too made out of block . http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/1030/picture1737go.jpg http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/2982/picture1749ev.jpg
  10. hi lads its made by ase and is as good as a t8 if not better comes with 3 yrs warrety and its made out of stainless/steel
  11. can never remeber to take camera i must start too
  12. thanks how do i put pics up like yours ????????????????????
  13. my new toy in 22.250 had a cpl of foxes with it already http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/3552/re...222500075ks.jpg http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/6783/re...222500102rl.jpg
  14. heres mine 3/12 ft wide by 6ft long dogs are walked every day lurchers run is 6ft wide by 10ft long all block as you can see even as built in drainage and of course lets not forget electricity they are the mutts nuts http://img470.imageshack.us/img470/7851/runs0019mr.jpg
  15. nice one great looking beast too
  16. good luck mate and all the best
  17. that is some dog bet he as muscles in is piss
  18. nice one i know how it feels i was like a bottle of pop when then grented my 22.250 and 22 rimmy happy shooting mate
  19. yes i had 2 pups years ago it was hard work trying to train them both just stick with one for now
  20. hi mate hes ripped some poor bloke off on smoochers hunting mate i think he knows is whereabouts hope this helps you
  21. roverman good to see you on this site mate hope to see you on the others soon
  22. one that does everything you need him too
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