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Everything posted by warbiscuit

  1. Stoeger x20 deluxe with JSR 3-9x50AO mildot IR.... in .177 Lovely rifle to shoot, nice smooth action and no twang. Its also had the standard barrel weight/foresight removed and a silencer can be fitted, tbh its quiet enough for a springer. Putting out 11.2ft/lb with AAfield, 1" group at 35 yds (hitting 38mm chalk discs at 40yds+ last week) I've had it about 8 months, and its had all of 2 tins of pellets through it, scope is less than 12 months old, mint condition. I really like this rifle, but i dont like the calibre, i'm a .22 kind of guy Sale for £180 Optionally can chan
  2. Still not got his comp fixed yet???? tell him sling it in the back of your motor on sunday and come up to mine after club, i'll rebuild it for him free of charge.... I'm after something like that for my NVRS, another s200 would be nice. Got pellets on sale at club now, so no need to worry Daz.
  3. Cheers fellas, wasn't too sure.... i dont remember doing owt wrong..... case closed Daz
  4. Tried that, nothing in the log.... Just wondering if i'd peedled someone off more than anything..... Cheers Daz.
  5. Hi Guys, i've noticed a warn sign at the bottom of my profile bit, and also restricted PM functions.... What did i do wrong?? cheers fellas Daz.
  6. I own an S50 Pro, use would probably be the wrong term..... they're fairly heavy, have low magnification, usually 2/3x but you can buy doublers. I bought mine in the hope it would get some action, as of yet, its still to emerge from under the stairs.... some models have built in IR, which is ok upto about 30/40 yds, but for anything more you'd need an external IR illuminator and eyes like a sh*t house rat..... i do like mine, but its not best combined with a HW77 thats for sure, i'm currently trying to swap/sell my stoeger .177 to fund a new pcp to house my NVRS. I suppose it would depen
  7. Your accounts await you gents...... Daz
  8. Well, i have got the bottle, so its a possibility. One condition though.... i can still borrow it in emergencies.... let me know when you've signed up, i'll put you on as Moderator, same with Joey, i emailed his login details to him last week. Zini/festa you're all welcome. Daz.
  9. good bag that fellas, nice one. Get a write up on RAGC forum pal, you're both club members..... Chris, you'll need to sign up to the forum though, PM me when you have and i'll activate your account. Daz.
  10. Nice one! you'll have to let us know how you get on with it, been looking at an R10 recently. DT
  11. Zini, how much did the rest set you back? looks pretty useful, been looking at the ones from Solware, but not sure about those. DT
  12. Is now online CLICKY best regards DT
  13. Hi Paul, hopefully see you up there on the sunday? regards Darren
  14. The range is up in shaw, just off buckstones road. Check the website, as i've incorporated google maps so you can get directions. Everyone welcome. Darren
  15. We (Rochdale AGC) are opening our doors on the 4th of October!!!! We have secured a nice outdoor range, and this will be our first full opening day. All welcome, for location & details see our website here. toilets and refreshments onsite, we also have use of the scout hut as a club house (in case it peedles down). Its on the moor edge, so dress warm Hopefully see some of the local lads & northwest clubs there DT & JW AKA Warbiscuit & Wuzzy
  16. It really is appreciated Sean, unfortunately MOD are bound by HSE to use only approved contractors..... Where abouts in south lakes are you? Regards DT
  17. I've sent you a copy of the club insurance certificate if you need it pal.
  18. Hi Sean, i think its safe to say it is fubar... the whole roof has to be stripped back and rebuilt, and its MOD owned as well, so budgetary priorities mean its probably on a scale of years/months rather than weeks. Wuzzy and i Have worked on this since march, really dont want to see it go down the pan, so any help from anywhere would be gratefully received and repaid. DT
  19. Hi Guys, as above, need about an acre, or less of field/wood/waste ground for hosting a range for Rochdale AGC. Currrent indoor range out of use for safety reasons. Would need to be local, we would happily maintain the area/help out in return for use of the land, even donate range fees so we can provide members with a much needed facility. We have club insurance and individual insurance, I hate to impose like this, but we're in need, as indoor range has been out of bounds since may..... ATVB DT
  20. Hi All, been a while.... i'm looking for some assistance with procurement..... i'm looking for around an acre of land, be it scrub, field, woodland etc, just somewhere i can setup a range for the club either temporary or permanently, i've gone to local press so this should help also. Wuzzy and i Managed to secure an indoor range, but the roof is fubar and in need of much work, so in terms of health & safety, this is pretty much a no go... So, here we are looking for absolutely anywhere nearby.... i dont mind leasing/buying whatever, but the bottom line is, we need somewhere. if any
  21. in all fairness, generally speaking, air rifles do not "go off" on their own....... it may have been a defective or sub standard unit, or even possibly a direct effect of youngsters with a lack of safety discipline. Extremely unfortunate. ATB to the families involved.
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