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Everything posted by alphasha

  1. alphasha


    Oh no, you have my complete sympathy, they are changing the income support laws as well. Think I have this right that they only affect single parents, so benefits stop when your child is 7, 10 or 12 depending on the year your child was born, however this apparently doesn't apply to families where both parents are out of work. i might of misunderstood it, but thats what I was told by a Jobcentre worker. Still you could always pay £25 to change your name and be from the EU or any other part of the world and you'd never have to work again in this country. The things that foreign migran
  2. i agree they may be more expensive but at least you get better cover, but I'd check first as recently I've heard of people not being overly impressed. i will watch this post as mine is due in Feb so it'd be nice to see whats out there.
  3. alphasha


    bet they'd change that pretty promptly if there "hunting!" customers boycotted them. Their full of s**** just like their products
  4. Does not surprise me at all either the rspca or the scum that did this. i hope that they all meet their maker and rot in hell. and the simpleton that left it there deserves the same. Christ it makes my blood boil
  5. I personally have never been as I'm sure i would come back looking like a mongolian sheep herder with the weather in lancs at that time of year However it is my one regret
  6. I would try walking backwards from him when you have "stopped" him and if he creeps towards you keep taking him back to the original spot. Over a couple of weeks you should be able to recall him and stop him on the way into you as you are still quite close to him and able to put him straight back to where you stopped him. Blooming frustrating but he should get the hang of it in the end, after all he is a cocker, I'm thinking of getting a springer next time
  7. Now that was worth logging on for. Absolutely lovely looking bird
  8. Well you know what they say "spare the rod ruin the child" OBTW I have some M&S knickers should you happen to need them as well for the colder weather
  9. Good old girl, next thing you'll be using her as a rifle rest when your out at night
  10. PML love the p***y logo, but one question do you get a tarmaccing rake with it. That has to be the funniest thing I've seen in ages
  11. By any miracle is the ferret still available....desperate for a worker only got young and the season is well upon us.
  12. We're going on the Saturday if anyones up for a beer.
  13. I will be out beating on Thursday, I couldn't hit a barn door with a cannon, I am thinking if having some lessons on the clays this summer and perhaps will have a pop or two next year.
  14. Hi, just wanted to say a quick hello before I go for a look around. I think I will spot some familiar names from other forums. I live in Shropshire and go beating, trying to get my cocker Lilly upto scratch so she can come out all season next year. Hoping to get out minking with the borders this year and bribing my friends to take me out with the dogs and ferrets..
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