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big jack

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Everything posted by big jack

  1. I enjoyed the show last year, so it should be another cracker. have to get a lift sorted out, but me and the hound aim to be there All details are on the first page chap.. See you there
  2. You've got him pretty well, next frame his legs would have been out and he would not look so much like a bullet as a tiny longdog. Either that or you've done night classes in Photoshop. Beautiful runners are hares - crap at boxing like!
  3. I'm sure Brian Plummer, as in the terrier, was a judge one year at Lambourn in the seventies. Anybody know for sure? The original show was ruined because of trouble-making tinkers causing chaos and starting all sorts of mischief. They might have a tradition of keeping lurchers, but I have yet to meet a tinker that respects their dogs. Can't abide that. The tinkers started invading Lambourn, if memory serves. Think Appleby, up north. Hope they don't return to teh show, their behaviour was atrocious mostly. I'm sure there are decent tinkers - but they never showed up at Lambourn. I'm l
  4. Good to hear the Lambourn show is returning. In its day this was THE show. Good luck with it. Me and my hound will be there - need to find the old racing muzzle I bought at a Highclere Castle show many years ago.
  5. In reply to the thread - some dogs will always be better than others. It's life. But with hounds they can't help themselves - hunt is what they do. I can't speak for terriers, never owned one. With my lurchers - including my latest ,a whippet cross - just treat them with respect and they learn the business. they can't help it. Like children, some are better than others, but with all give them exercise, tlc, routine and food and they get there. The most important element is time. Spend time with your hound and slowly introduce the environments that you want them to hunt in and they wil
  6. made me laugh this post. know where you are coming from. I'm sure, if my dogs have been anything to go by, nothing will alter their natural instincts ... as for the houndsl
  7. he looks a babe and a bit more than bed whippet - perhaps wh or dh? a beauty
  8. I had a saluki x that became choosey about his runs as he got older, and I could not figure out where he got his brains from, great beast that he was. But then ex-racing greyhounds just go for it, so maybe proper working dogs do learn. I'm curtous about your post because i have a new dog, a whippet/collie/grey which is a cross i have never owned before
  9. Fran, Mo, Moll, Zara, Lina, Sacha, Wanda, Oona. Weird, but I like bitches that have an a ending - days a bloke that always has lads. Post a picture that'll help in naming .
  10. the trapped one definitely needs takig out. good luck with it
  11. Hello, Had lurchers for 12 years now - and found this site a few weeks ago and get a buzz reading it. Don't go out to hunt as such, but do go for walks to places where I know there will be quarry and sometimes, well hounds will be hounds. It never ceases to amaze me how a dog that can be so soft and friendly with everybody from kids to codgers turns into a hunting machine. My old lurcher (saluki cross greyhound/deerhound) in his prime would take anything: foxes (1 1/2); pheasants, a crow, rabbits, muntjac and other deers (with his dog chums) and a cat (sadly, when I was an inexperienc
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