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Everything posted by Simonrees

  1. Just got off the phone to them and they said if it states .22 then it just means a .22. I said well a WMR is a .22 and only refers to the chambering of the case and not the caliber of the bullet. She just repeated that I can only have a .22. I didn't see the point in trying to educate her and left it at that.
  2. I've just realised that they haven't specified a type for the .17 either, no mention anywhere of HMR. So I guess I could buy a .17 Fireball. Will see what they say tomorrow!
  3. they wont 22rf is 22rf and that includes wmr Sorry, yes obviously take CF out the equation but it should mean I can have LR or WMF. Although in fairness it doesn't state rf either
  4. Cheers guys I'll give them a ring tomorrow, I'm hoping they say that I can have any Rifle designated as a .22 caliber. It would be a bit daft if they limited me to a .22lr and not a 22.WMR when they've given me a .223CF.
  5. Yes I'm aware of that but its my understanding that they will normally specify a type of .22 that you can possess, which refers to the case type, ie. WMR, LR etc. Of course I may have this entirely wrong but this is my understanding after speaking to the guy in the gun shop, he said that if my Ticket stated .22LR then I couldn't have the Magnum because they would have specified the case type.
  6. sounds like a typo error normally comes back as 22rf and yes that would include wmr, i would ring them and clarrify as they tend to be arsey if you take the piss Might be worth ringing them. But to be fair when I filled the application in, I didn't specify a type of .22, I simply put .22 so it looks as though they have just granted a .22 Rifle, it states this on the conditions on the frount of my FAC and under the Firearm Authorised to possess, on the inside. I'm not thinking of getting a center fire .22 But the magnum isn't a bad round for what I want.
  7. Hi guys. I've just had my FAC issued and got exactly as I asked for, ie. .22 + Moderator, .17 + Moderator and .223 + Moderator. I rang a gun shop earlier because they have a cheap .22 which would be useful for some pest control. the guy told me on the phone it was .22 magnum and asked what it said on my FAC, he said it should say either .22rf or .22lr or.22wmr etc. I told him it simply says .22. So my question is, can I have any rifle that fires a .22 round? and if so would that include a .22 Center Fire? The guy in the gun shop seems to think so, and was surprised they haven't specified which
  8. I've been granted my SGC and FAC with a Firearms offence! admittedly the Firearms offence was when I was 14, I was charged with discharging an airgun in a public place (a Gat gun of all things) I also had a few other juvenile offence, namely taking from a motor vehicle and burglary, The burglary was nicking a dustbin from a school outbuilding at the age of 15 and the vehicle one was nicking a wing mirror off or a scooter! Any way all this was a long time ago I was 40 when I applied for my SGC and it was granted. I was told the most important thing to do was to admit to having the offenses and
  9. I have a litter of Liver and White Springer pups for sale, 3 Dogs, 1 Bitch. All KC Reg, from very good working lines, both parents work with Hawks and Guns. They are all legally docked &dew clawed and micro chipped, and vet checked. currently 11 weeks old £400.00 ono Near Swansea 07772706697
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