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Everything posted by Simonrees

  1. To be honest mate, regardless of their attitude when they came out to do the inspection. If you started with the comments you've posted about appealing etc then you've probably got their back up and done yourself no favours, I'm no fan of the police but sometimes is best to bite your tongue, if they think you have an aggressive attitude then that,s reason enough to not grant a certificate.
  2. Don't you think you're jumping the gun here a little bit? The police aren't out to make friends they are out to protect the public (amongst other things) Besides when your ticket lands on your door mat in a few weeks you'll want to kiss that FEO!
  3. On Sky Arts at 21:30 tonight is the start of the original Israeli series that Homeland was based on. must be worth a watch.
  4. Good luck, but I think they will say you are limited to a .22lr Rimfire. They deem WMR and CF as a totally different rounds and you would need a variation to have them on your ticket. I think the home office guide lines state that you only need to apply for a specific calibre but this opens up all sorts of problems because there are lots of rounds that fire a .22 bullet but there is a huge difference between a .22rf and a .223 for example yet they are both the same calibre.
  5. Only series 1 has been shown in the UK. where have you seen series 2?
  6. This isn't strictly true, my ticket says .22 rifle and .22 ammunition. 1 RFD was happy to sell me a .22 magnum rifle on the basis that they had not specified a case type only a calibre. Hi mate ,the OP did not mention anything about having an allowance for ammunition.... I think we can take it for granted that if he has a slot for a .22 then he also has an allowance for ammunition. I think the issue was they haven't clarified on his ticket which case type, hence his question.
  7. This isn't strictly true, my ticket says .22 rifle and .22 ammunition. 1 RFD was happy to sell me a .22 magnum rifle on the basis that they had not specified a case type only a calibre.
  8. I think that was my thread, as my ticket just says .22 rifle it makes no mention of rimfire etc. I ended up asking the Licensing Dept and they told me it was only a standard .22, what ever a standard .22 is.....but definitely not a magnum or centre fire. I think the problem is a lot of the staff who work in these departments don't actually have the first clue about calibres and case types.
  9. I think West Wales is Dyfed/Powys, if so I'm pretty certain they will allow .17hmr for Fox, Perhaps Sporting Shooter on here can clarify for you. If so I would recommend applying a standard .22rf (rimfire), forget the magnum, and a .17hmr. You could if you wish apply for a centre fire such as a .223 etc but you would need to prove you need it, but if they allow .17 for fox which I think they do, that would negate the need for the centre fire possibly. In any case i would speak to you licensing dept. and ask their advise.
  10. The first chap I mentored just needed a report on his attitude towards and knowledge of shooting safety plus a bit of fac hunting experience. I wasn't a referee to attest to his character etc. Although IMO he was very sound. And that's the way it should be An impartial, objective view of the applicants firearms handling etc. If the police are that bothered (and they should be with new applicants who have zero experience), they should bring a firearms officer round with a deactivated rifle, and ask the applicant to talk them through loading/unloading, muzzle clearing, and answer a s
  11. I'm with CA this year because I had an offer of full cover for £20. I'll never give money to BASC again as I feel they now have their own financial agenda before that of members. Besides I can't help feeling that the multi million pound Media Centre is a total waste of money.
  12. I have to say, I can't help thinking that the idea of mentoring, is a good one. lets face it as it stands anyone without any training or knowledge can obtain an FAC and be responsible for a firearm. I've seen some bloody dangerous people over the years with Shoguns and can't help thinking that a couple of hours training would have made these people a lot safer. At the end of the day a Mentor is a lot cheaper than forcing us to attend a safety/competence course for which we would no doubt have to pay a small fortune. I've only had my FAC a short time but I have a military background so safety a
  13. Hawthorn berries also contain chemicals known to combat cancer in humans!
  14. You can apply to Natural England or Countryside Council for Wales for a Licence to photograph birds nests, you will need to list each species and give good reason for doing so. I was issued a licence to photograph a Goshawk nest a couple of years ago. The crazy thing is, you could stand near any nest and look at it, and be perfectly within the law, but as soon as you point a camera at it, your breaking the law. You could even take your family and have a picnic just meters away from a nest and make as much noise as you want, completely disturbing the nest and your not falling foul of any law at
  15. Come on you can't blame them, look at the price of Fuel these days. Personally I still think its cheap. How much would it cost to drive there and hand deliver it!! and as has been pointed out with more and more things being sent by email these days, they still have to keep staff levels up to cope with the level of mail they deal with. I don't begrudge them the increase to be honest.
  16. Just a small point, but be very careful about stating you wish to shoot Pigeons for the oven. Believe it or not but shooting to Pigeons to eat is illegal. Pigeons can only be shot under General Licence as pest control, either to prevent damage to crops or prevent the spread of disease. Therefore you can only shoot them for those reasons, if you choose to eat them after then all well and good. But if the Police asked you why you were shooting them, and you said "to eat" Then you would be guilty of a crime under the Countryside and Wildlife act. Crazy but true!
  17. I drive a 1995 Disco 300 tdi, it never misses a beat and hasn't let me down in 8 years. it has plenty of power and gets me anywhere! Parts are silly cheap and it is so easy to work on. I currently have Mud terrain tyres on it and a full roof rack which means it does about 24mpg around town, but with regular tyres and no rack I was easily getting 30-32 around town.
  18. Might have been interested if I knew the price, but can't be bothered sending PMs etc just to find out the price is no good for me.
  19. We have 2 guns in common, the Savage and the Ruger, except my Savage has the Stainless Steel heavy barrel and is fitted with the shiny SAK Mod, and my Ruger has the short black barrel fitted with a Parker Hale MOD.
  20. I've got a black 20 Guage, It took me a while to figure out that it only likes the longer cartridges, it wouldn't recycle the shorter ones because they allowed too much gas to escape which was stopping the bolt from fully ejecting the spent cartridge. I now have absolutely no problems with it, its light and produces very little recoil and I wouldn't be without it.
  21. I found them poor, with about 1 in 10 rounds not having the right amount of powder in them, resulting in a drop of about 8 inches at 75 yds or so, and a totaly different sound when fired. Maybe it was a bad batch, but I switched to Supper X and will continue to use them.
  22. Just put 1/4 in the bottom and 1/2 in the top, assuming bottom barrel fires first, then put the rest in a drawer and forget about them!
  23. I think it's a probationary period set by the shooting club as a prospective member of the club, as opposed to a period of probation following a conviction of some sort. PMC Perhaps he'll come back and clarify because he says he has 1-2 months of probation left before he can join.....I'm not sure what he means by that, unless he means become a fully paid up member or something?
  24. The bright star to the left of the moon is Jupiter, I was looking at it last night with a 100x spotting scope and you could even make out the coloured band around it and the 4 moons!! The very bright star higher up if you like is Venus. If you then turn 180 degrees and look eastish you will see a pink star, thats Mars. You can also see Saturn after about 10:30 off to the right of Mars but it takes a little bit of finding.
  25. Surely a lot will depend on why he is on probation........
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