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Everything posted by aj1980

  1. thanks the comments lads hes itchin to go again now
  2. had the lad out for a hour before work sunday bolted a few he,s catchin on now.
  3. alright mate its adam from st helens how the pups doin mate.just give us a ring when you want to sort out a date to pick the pup up nice one adam
  4. my saluki x still throws the odd deaf ear & shes 11 just heve to live with it from time to time
  5. asdar, where will i find this asdar wagner is the man . vote wagner
  6. allright mate im interested in a pup can u give me a ring or txt on this number 07758270194 ps im not a timewaster verry interested & will leave deposit
  7. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h347/aj19801/aj046.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h347/aj19801/aj044.jpg
  8. try 2 get some on tmorow if i can never put em on before so might take a while
  9. nice mearle although black dog nice aswell
  10. ive got a plummer smart dog good ferreting dog & decent lamp dog . probably get slated for sayin so they are still bein bred but probably not advertised as plummers
  11. done 51% yes 49% no dont know what differance it il make tho
  12. one of mine got out 12 month ago searched 4 a week .then the woman from over the road knoked on saying there was a ferret in her back yard went & got it streight away (might not be that far away)
  13. nice permmision you got there mate
  14. go back to basics put some mesh on the pen / kennel door or gate so she has to jump to get out for a walk & jump to get in to get fed hope this helps. thats how i start em off
  15. got any pics got amate that had a sharp about 15 years ago pretty sure he would be intrested also where u at
  16. cheers i have heard ov them but dont know much about them .
  17. just want any info on breeding & if theres much about not saying all colli x are plummers
  18. just wanting some info on this lurcher type. not that bothered about oppinions i know colli crosses aint evryones cup of tea. just want to know if many people on here keep them & know much about them thanks
  19. nice dog mate done much with it
  20. was thinking that myself most dogs wouldnt leave your side on a dark night at 10 weeks old. 10 months aint bad to give some pups a few easy runs
  21. nice pups mate like the one with white round its neck . shouldnt have any probs with selling them
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