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Everything posted by warlock

  1. Got my permit and map this morning, very nice farmer, says if i see an ongoing concern with rabbits & pigeons in perticular in a certain field let him know and he will get one of his farmhands to build me a permanent hide, which even i know with my limited experience is bloody great. Now the hard part, i only have a shotgun certificate and the farmer has said if i want to shoot rifle at night or daytime for rabbits then go ahead, just at night let him know and inform the police, i don`t have a firearms licence as i still have 4 weeks to go before i get my full membership at a target club
  2. Firstly hello. I have been shooting clays for 7 years and have decided to get into Pigeon shooting, i have been given permission to shoot 1600+ acres of mixed farmland, rape, wheat/grain, peas & spuds. is this a respectable sized area to shoot? there are small areas of trees and the odd woods here and there and the farmer has said anything is ok to shoot so long as it is covered by general licence. Does this sound like a good oppurtunity? the farmer only has me that can shoot during the week but he has said that if i can shoot the odd weekday as a thankyou he will give me first refusal on
  3. Just been out today to finalise some shooting rights on about 1600+ acres of land around dover, saw approx 200 seagulls sitting in a field, pigeon wise not alot about probably observed flocks of 30-40, i drive a white Ford Ranger and sat under the flight line and beeped my horn and they kept coming back so it looks like i have a nice area to shoot, few areas of woodland and rolling hills make it nice.
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