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Steve McHardy

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Everything posted by Steve McHardy

  1. cheers for the replys guys i got the youngster off a mate who bought it off someone as a pup still havnt got the breeders number was gona call him to find out the crack. this is the dog in question. i think its just a wheaton x whippet 21tts at 11mnths there is something else in the mix as she deos have a few collie mannerisms but i was only askin as that was what my mate was told
  2. perverance is the name of the game with terriers at 9 mnths he is testing you to see how far he can push you mabye a bit of foot to arse mite get his attention have you tried recall on one of those extendy leads. also try training in a smallish space where the little sod cant get away from you so where ever he hides you can drag him out. with mine they had to figure out there is no point runnin or hiding as they will be found and caught. you cannot let them away with anything at all it must be your way at all times as they will take the p*ss mine are border/lakey x jack and take the proper p*s
  3. sorry but im well and truly on the band wagon the stinkin sleekit vermin should not be out of the house ever do there owners get prosecuted every time they kill protected song birds no!!, but we get prosecuted if our dogs kill a fox in an open field or a cat gets accidently caught in a legally set trap if the cat was so damn valuable what was it doin outside to possibly get run down would the owner be able to prosecute the driver if it had been NO ! it would have been tough luck. keep them in the house at all times they do not need to get out if they are pets they get fed and watered inside an
  4. The Smithfield Collie Deos anyone have any of these dogs (do they exist) or xs from them, i aquired a young lurcher and was informed that this kind of dog was used in its creation would love to see others of this cross or pure collies if there is any. Cheers Folks Steve deos anybody have them or are they myth
  5. dont forget the horsey birds too mate and the vet nurses many good times spent in the rain up there.
  6. you will start as a trainee keeper and you have to work up2 a under keepers job mate it aint easy at all get in touch with thurso college as if you get on the course they put you on an estate and you dont need to pay for accomodation you live on the estate and go to college 1 week per month to start within your 1st year you can start at 16. its a long way from home mate but it mite be worth it. thurso concentrates on upland keepering mostly aimed at grouse but there are plenty of good moors near you in county durham aiming to start at the bottom of the heap is all you can hope for mate and you
  7. my 1st spaniel was a wee blue roan springer and i thought he was turbo charged now ive got a black and white cocker bitch and it has after burners hardest thing i found with her was to get her attention off me onto marking the dummie but shes a great wee hunter and 1st day out beating/picking up was finding partridge and pheasant no problem with minimum previous experience of cold game even wiped the eye of my very experienced lab bitch on a runner cock pheasant. if your training a sprocker then just go with either of the parent breeds after being used to the pace of the other spaniels the pac
  8. ha ha, nah serious iam not a fan, had a first cross bullx grey bitch, she was nippy yeah but i wouldnt say fast, depends what you class as fast, there quick little dash dog some of them but not over any kind of distance just short bursts really. should be fast enough to catch rabbits if not to heavy and when fit depends how it genes throw i surpose. looked after a 1stx bull grey bitch for a mate for a good while bout ten years ago she couldnt catch a cold poor sod tried like mad all day but was barrel chested and to heavy lovely natured bitch nae bother with other dogs but wouldnt have 1st
  9. this is my lad hes only just over 24tts at 21mnths hes doin good hes 5/8 grey 2/8 collie 1/8 bull has speed to burn plenty brain too much at times and a good jaw. hes not massive but has a good build. i had his dam also she was beardie/borderxgrey a very fast clever dog who killed loads of blue hares pre ban mostly on her own on the cairgorm hills but lacked a bit of bottle so put her to a 3/4 grey bull and the result was exactly what i wanted. ive had other crosses but this one suits me best.
  10. i agree the dog must know its place, in dog world the weaker is lower until it proves otherwise but you have to do this for the baby i wont have growling of any sort at people.
  11. i have dogs and bitches in my kennels different breeds so cant make any mistakes my terriers are the worst when one of the gundog bitches comes in they are a pain. i live on a farm so dont have to travel to exercise just let them into nearby field the terriers wont go if a bitch is in just hang round the kennel whining and trying to get in and niether of them has ever served a bitch so i can only imagine how bad they would be if they had. i used to have a lab dog also as it was good to have a dog to work when the bitches were in but its a pain to have a mix if you dont have the set up.
  12. Think you are wrong there mate. If anything this cross seems to be getting more popular by the minute. atb stabba do ya know of any one who breeds good wheaton greyhounds [bANNED TEXT] wouldn,t mind one myself me this is my wee wheaton x bitch shes bout 9-10 mnths was told shes whippet x wheaton / houndxcollie but not entirely sure what do you guys think.
  13. i always used to skin it then take as much meat off as poss, then cut it for the plaque then boil it far about an hr then power wash and scrape the remaining meat off then i would leave it in peroxcide for a few hrs.
  14. i like to start mine quite late at nearly a year i like them to develop as much as poss before starting work but thats just me letting them see an older dog go a couple of time helps but ive seen it start a keen pup to whine with excitment (alot) watching the older dogs. but yeah give the young dog every possible chance to get a catch its first runs nice easy ones if they exist.
  15. i keep my lurcher dog inside but my gundogs and lurcher pup are outside its a space thing with me and the other half likes havin the big lad inside when im on nites to. but i do think they are more weather resistant when outside. but its poss to have them in the house had my cocker inside until she was old enough to go out she wore a path in the laminate round the room never stopped movin but she th same in the woods hunts great guns you want all dogs to be lively not timid.
  16. the raw diet is the best if you can accomodate it into your regime i used to feed my dogs whole red deer tripe raw during the stags and hind never cut it up for the gun dogs they just got a whole one to deal with (python impersonations in the lab pens) the terriers got half each wouldnt feed tripe all the time my pack can do a whole roe carcass in one feed nowt left but piles of chalk its good to give them some bones now and again mine love ribs of any sort. if i had the facilities that i used to have as a keeper i would feed raw all the time again but in the summer its not easy keepin meat fr
  17. seems to a habit seeing charlie when after the ducks mind we saw a fox when you,linz and jake were out with me over at my patch we didnt get that 1 unfortunately.
  18. sparrow hawks rarely,if ever touch an adult pheasant mate. I've seen a SparrowHawk have a pheasant before. probally a peregrine mate.. adult pheasants are a bit big for most perries mate goshawks make mince outa them could be one of them if there are any about, or just plain old foxy a few late nights and early mornings required to id cultprit.
  19. these are my contribution the labs are mother and daughter mum on the left now retired and the cocker is just starting her 1st season beating.
  20. mabye there was something in there before and the dog has got into the habbit of nibbling at it my pointer cross is a pain for it try putting some skin cream on it and stop her licking at it.
  21. im also near dumfries ive been beating for a few years and have a lab and a cocker for the line im looking for more beating and i am often available through the week due to my shift pattern. cheers steve
  22. allright mate heres a couple of books to try ..the lurcher training and hunting by Frank Sheardown...the new complete lurcher by D.Brian plummer there good books full of the info ..atb Cheers bud, will have a look on amazon for them, if you had to choose 1 out of the 2 for training which would it be? Have a good wk-end mate Neil try that welsh book shop mate coch-ne bonndu i think (something like that) they have shed loads and you can get 2nd hand cheaper ive got frank sheardowns book an read plummers [bANNED TEXT] kinda dog you goin for lurchers arnt like other dogs some are a piece o
  23. I just created an account to check out the prices. . . . . . . . . . Starting from $100 up to $300 for the largest size. I was actually expecting it to be more. still enough though eh? It is pretty expensive, but then i brought Tuffies dog beds not so long ago and they cost me a lot. However the are a fantastic product and IMO more than worth the money. yeah they are good :thumbs:have you seen the tuffies nest could see changinging the bedding being a bit of a pain in those yank kennels. lets face our dogs love to sleep and if they fancy a kip yhey will have one
  24. get a mod on it mate helluva difference then no fear of fancy scope gettin knocked out.
  25. Iv'e never had a problem with it ,I prefer to kennel two together,but I have three so my oldest is on his own in kennels ,but with the other two.when I am about,he and the youngest play like pups,Smokey the middle dog is the odd one out.The other two would bully him a bit if I let them. depends on the other dog some dogs dont mind pups pullin there ears an tails etc some take exception to it an you can end up with a dead pup. i recently introduced a new member to the pack she was 8mnths and the others wouldnt let her in the bed and when there out you can see why she bugs the shit outa the
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