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Everything posted by lamp_post

  1. What does everyone use to bulk out the meat got my dogs on the usual stuff mince chicken tripe beef etc chicken legs fish and they do well on it the reason am asking is recently got a new pup and he’s eating the same amount as my older dog and with limited freezer space only got a small chest freezer in the shed and don’t have room for another and it’s hard to find the time to be going to get meat all the time I like to get at least a good months worth in at a time I was wondering what’s best to mix with the raw a dry food? Or something like pasta or rice? The cost isn’t the problem just getti
  2. Hi mate I owned cheif from when he was 8 weeks old I sold him in July when he was 22 months old I only sold him because I moved house and could no longer keep him I can tell you everything about the dog I tried to send you a pm with my phone number because I am not on the net very often but it wouldn't send for some reason I would love to know how cheif is doing if you could send me your phone number I would be happy to fill you in on the dog cheers.
  3. cheers mate. i got him from a lad on this site from wiltshire. put a pic of your up mate? will do mate try and get it up tomorow
  4. craking pup mate looks alot like mine did you get him from a young lad at hetton ?
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