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Everything posted by PGED

  1. just wondering the best way i could train him to listen and come when he is called ?? and even stay still when i need him to as you can tell this is the first kit i have had so any useful advise would be welcome cheers PGED
  2. im 18 and curently just about to finish a NVQ 2 in gamekeeping and after that am going on to do a National Diploma level 3 in conservation i was wondering if anyone new of any where in the sussex region where i could get work for the days I'm not at college and the evening that i am cheers. PGED
  3. thanks for the help guys and im from littlehampton in west sussex cheers
  4. cocker spaniel for me they wrok better than a springer i find them easy to train wil retreve any thing and are very hard. i have had springers and other dogs but find them the best mate cheers mate i been looking into getting a cocker for a while but then my mate said i should get a pointer and what to get more people opions on them but i agree and think cockers would be best. thanks again
  5. Im thinking of getting a english pointer or a spaniel manly for beating and the odd rough shoot. i was wondering if you could offer advice or your opinon cheers PGED
  6. Thanks for the welcome guys
  7. hi im a lad of 18 and always been into ferreting and hunting but have never got my own ferret and my mate has just offered me one of his when he breeds his jill so i was wondring what you opinions what hutch etc woudl be best to buy and what food would be best for it ? and would it be better to get a hob or jill ? also how many purce nets would you advise me to get to start of with ?
  8. Hello, my names Pete im 18 and currently studying gamekeeping at brinsbury college in west sussex im currently looking for any work i can get on estates or even as a gamekeepers aprrentice (sorry im not the best of spellers as you can tell) so if anyone wants to no more about me or has any infomation on jobs on estates or any aprenticeships please let me know. Cheers
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