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About karial

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  1. I decided to buy Davy's rifle, and its fantastic!!! need to get it zero'd to 35ft or something, but hey, its fantastic, alot heavier and less plasticier sounding than i was expected (after reading reviews). tested it out in the garden, and it went through the paper target( obviousley), through the halfinch thick wood board the targets were mounted on, and halfway through the garden gate whch is again about a half inch thick wood. The guncase you send didn't fit the rifle with the silencer on, but i just slit a couple of the threads so theres a small hole in the top and the rifle fi
  2. I decided to buy Davy's rifle, and its fantastic!!! need to get it zero'd to 35ft or something, but hey, its fantastic, alot heavier and less plasticier sounding than i was expected (after reading reviews). tested it out in the garden, and it went through the paper target( obviousley), through the halfinch thick wood board the targets were mounted on, and halfway through the garden gate whch is again about a half inch thick wood. The guncase you send didn't fit the rifle with the silencer on, but i just slit a couple of the threads so theres a small hole in the top and the rifle fi
  3. o00oo! i has reply!! (so do you hehe)
  4. thanks mate, replied on there.
  5. any idea on the postage on this kit? i'm up in teesside so it's a little to far to drive. i wont have the cash yet, but i will be in the marker for one in about a month maybe. Only thing is i need a promise that i'll be a good rifle for hunting small animals. Being a Co2 rifle i heard its pretty poor in the winter. if you can gimme a price on the P&P, i'll let you know if i can do it or not whether i will is a different matter tho, its just interest for now
  6. i dont think that i would be hunting in winter to be fair, it'll be a little cold, i want something that is bolt action, and full power to the 12ft/lbs limit, but isn't too expensive, So PCP is out of the question. any suggestions for a first, powerful rifle
  7. Hey folks, First post here so i'll introduce myself breifly. My name is Myke and I recently decided to start hunting, with my friend and his father, using air rifles. Basically I'm making this post to get peoples personal experiences or opinions of the rifle i've chosen: Umarex 850 AirMagnum Has anyone had any experiences with this and would you recommend this for hunting rabbits, rats, pheasant etc? Thanks in advance!
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