You are right Whin,the borders are poor for bunnies these days,i remember putting a lamp on where i am and the fields were lit up with eyes it was like lights on a christmas tree,all gone now
You can book your dog in for one of my courses,i charge 70 pound for a 2 hour ratting lesson or you could have a full day ratting and rabbiting for 170 pound your dog will be fully trained at the end of the day and i will provide you with certificate
obviously im a bit one sided on the bullx but the collie/grey is a defo second choice for me
Put a collie/greyhound over one of your bull crosses in a few years and you will have best of both
Cheers guys,hopefully it will straighten up,the right hock seems to sit further in than the left side,its back feet point at roughly 5 to 1 if you understand[hard to describe]very frustrating
one thing to keep in mind about using antiseptics deveryday is that as the new skin tissue starts to form it is a lot more fragile and sensitive than established tissue. when dealing with cuts i normally use a solution of peroxide and betadine ( iodine ) in a syringe (not injected for obvious reasons) and squirt the solution into the wound, the peroxide is very good for deep cleaning and will fizz foreign objects out of the wound. i repeat this for the first couple of days and then after that i use a salt and water solution. antiseptics will to a certain extent destroy new tissue and prolong t