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About pointer28

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    Mega Hunter

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    Westmeath, Ireland

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  1. It's 17.5 cubic metres i.e. 30ft = 9.23 mtrs 4 ft = 1.23 mtrs 5 ft = 1.54 mtrs 9.23 x 1.23 x 1.54 = 17.48 cubic metres These things are usually measured in square metres though rather than cubic metres in which case it would only be 11.35 square metres (9.23 x 1.23) and not as much over the limit so you might get away with it.
  2. Greatest prank call ever, I'm still laughing thinking about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5z4Vs26-TI...feature=related
  3. pointer28

    I see

    I thought that finished a few years ago and moved to Birr instead?
  4. A woman goes into Cabela's to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Cabela's associate is standing there wearing dark shades. She says, 'Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?' He says, 'Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes.' She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, 'That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-LB. Test line.
  5. BASC Game fair is in Ballywalter this Saturday and Sunday as well.
  6. I'm pretty sure that the Poodle was originally bred as a Gundog, a retriever to be specific. But that's so long ago that it might be well bred out of them at this stage anyway. As a lurcher I don't think I'd entertain it though, what's the point in wasting a few years trying to make a silk purse from a sows ear? Buy a Collie cross or Beddie/Whippet or something, as least you then have some idea of what your getting.
  7. Bondage maybe? I know that it's not meant sexually in the context that you're using it, but these automated checkers don't know that.
  8. I can only take the word of the source of the picture, obviously I can't guarantee 100% that it's real, but I personally believe that it is. As already stated the cat was anaesthetised for the procedure and tattooed by a tattoo artist and not by a vet.
  9. Well, what do you guys think of this? I've seen this somewhere and there was a lot of comments regarding the cruelty aspect of this. Bear in mind that this is already a hairless cat and was anaesthetised for the actual tattooing. So, is this an unnecessary cruelty which serves no purpose other than to make it a talking point for the owner, or is it far less cruel than the thousands of pedigree mutts purposely bred each year with inherent hereditary faults? Me, I wouldn't personally do it to an animal but when you think of the pedigree KC debacle it brings a new perspective to it
  10. I had no interest in that particular post hence I never read the shagging thing. Simple as, could you not do the same?
  11. Steve Earle - Hardcore Troubadour
  12. War Of Attrition isn't running
  13. Photo shopped at a guess, there was another like it with a guy leading a huge mastiff type in one hand and a horse in the other that's also meant to be fake. There was a link somewhere last week about some massive Ukranian Mountain Dog or something suchlike. Now there's a monster.
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