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Everything posted by jimster68

  1. jimster68


    best thing is give your lurcher a hand slip first to see if he will chase the dummy lure first ? if he does chase, then put your dog in a trap with the front open and hold your dog from the back of the trap wiyh the back door open . as the dummy(hare) goes past let go of your dog this teaches your dog to go through the trap . finally if by this stage your lurcher is doing ok ,you can try your dog in the traps for real. this is called schooling (its the way they train greyhounds ) if you just stick your dog in the traps without schooling you risk your dog becoming panick stricken and injuri
  2. ill be there if your going , ive got a dog entered in a few races ,if you go and fancy a natter just ask for jim
  3. its for LURCHER LINK MEMBERS they organise a race day for members every year(official race day) ,im sure you have to pre book ,but if you contact them they might be able to let your dog have a fun run . they normally have a fund raiseing day every second sunday of the month at highgate,they race from 100m upto 710m. all details can be found on there website . its one of the only rescues that rehomes LURCHERS to WORKING HOMES .
  4. i feed ox heart (cut into pieces ) as part of my dogs bafr diet ,i pay about 40p per pound .never had any problems feedind heart and the dogs love it ...........jim
  5. ive got 2 lurchers and a border collie total cost per week is between £6 and £12,i get a few scraps from the butchers ,various minced meats from DURHAM ANIMAL FEEDS ,plenty of free rabbit during the rabbiting season ,i add a bit of veg a couple of times per week ,and an egg or two .
  6. glad you got your gear back,got to have eyes in the back of your head sometimes, .........jim
  7. well done ,with a little experience and a little more gear (and luck) you will soon be catching a few more ,ferretings addictive and a great way to spend some time out with your lad .....keep it up .....jim
  8. went to a show at highgate last august(i think ),turned out to be a great day ,lots of racing and a show ,think im deffo going to this one .cheap entry ,and food ,and not a bad day out .if its same as last time racing was from 100 meters up to 710 meters.
  9. theres two fur n feather sales in yorkshire that i know of one is at HIGHGATE GREYHOUND STADIUM ,nr barnsley every saturday morning (they have a website) and theres one at SELBY AUCTION MART every 2 weeks (they also have a website) everthing for sale ,pigeons ,poultry,ect,also lots of junk .ferrets very rarely fetch more than a few quid its a real shame .
  10. yes you can get tablets to stop your bitch coming into season i think they are called NORETHISTERONE 5MG .i used them when i raced greyhounds on the flapps .you give the bitch one per day and they dont come into season .i got mine from a vet in oldham ,and paid about £4 for a box of 30 .if your near a greyhound vet ,give them a call ,im sure they could help you out .i aint raced greys for about 3 years so im not sure things have changed ......hope this helps......jim
  11. ive only ever used the mk3 (disco carrot) and ive never missed on a dig ,i find it very accurate and wouldnt be without it ,when i first got it, i got a mate to bury collars put around a bit of plastic pipeing ,and had a practice in the garden .theres some good demo,s on utube on how to use the mk3 .
  12. sounds like the ferret that isnt entering the warrens might have never worked before ,or mabe its a youngster that needs a bit of bringing on ,keep trying the polecat and if it doesnt start working properly you could mabe replace it with a couple of youngsters a bit later in the year .or keep your eyes open for someone who is packing in at the end of the season or put an advert in the wanted section and get an experienced worker .ive had a couple of ferrets from the wanted section and both turned out to be excellent workers .
  13. i normally gut rabbits at the end of the day ,i just hang them on a branch or hedge as i go along and then pick them up on the way back and gut them all at the same time ,i use a pair of disposable gloves and drop them in a hole with the guts and the jobs a goodun.nowt worse than walking around with hands stincking of rabbit shit/guts.
  14. no bud ,black rabbit didnt have mixy ,the only thing that i noticed was it was slightly smaller than the other rabbits ,it was cought about 5 miles from scotch corner heading towards penrith .(i noticed your in the durham area)
  15. just though id post a few pics of from a couple of trips north ive made this season ,ive had some great days sport and its always good to meet up with the guy who first got me the ferreting bug ,its early starts when im visiting this neck of the woods as its about a 60 mile drive ,but its always worth the drive just to be in good company . one of the places we ferreted was some type of old quarry, this was a bit of a nightmare due to the overgrown area and fallen trees but it was a job that had to be done. this is where i caught my first black rabbit. it was really worth the effort and m
  16. well the seasons just about ended for me ,so itsabout time i put pen to paper and show a few places ive ferreted this year . ive also met a few lads of here and helped a few out when i could .one lad i met was ROYSTON he had no permission and he wanted to get out with ferrets after a few years out of the sport ,so i invited him for a day out on my permission (after he had put an ad in the wanted section) ,sods law we we cought ten on the day and six had mixy ,ROYSTON then realy got the bug and we got invited out for a day out on yorkshire hunters permission a few weeks later , and bagged an
  17. i love watching rugby league ,i was never really a fan when i was younger but the price you have to pay to watch football is outrageous,when i was a kid me and my mates would would go watch football on saturdays at elland road and it was fairly cheep ,then when i left school and started work i could pay a tenner for me and my younger brother to go watch football that was all in bag of chips ,program,watch match this was in the mid 80s early 90s.now i dont know any young kids who go watch football on there own ,most of them that do go have well of parents ,rugby league is far cheaper and far mo
  18. we have been digging nests full of young for the last 3 weeks and almost every doe is full of young ,we have also had a about half a dozen young rabbits that were about six/eight weeks old .i will be packing in for this season in the next few weeks ,and the only reason im carrying on is because im bringing a young lurcher as my permission has only just allowed me to take a dog on the land .its now just a pain digging at almost every set .
  19. THINGS TO DO dress smart, have a shave, be polite, have a flyer ready (for if the wife answers ) stating what you want to do , and that you always ring before going on land, if your insured ect, dont mention dogs ,especially if they have live stock.(once you have made a good impression ) ask at a later date, try to drive around farms in a decent car ,even if it means borrowing one , THINGS NOT TO DO dont turn up looking like RAB C NESBITT dont turn up with a car full of mates who look like a shower of shit, dont be abusive your gonna get lots of knockbacks
  20. i keep 5 ferrets ,2 hobs 3 jills all work .i mainly use 50yd longnets so i can work large warrens .one or two ferrets wouldnt be nearly enough and some times i wish i had a few ferrets more , but as i only ferret a day or two per week i make do with what ive got ........jim
  21. durham animal feeds deliver to manchester area every month ,its very good stuff .just type in DURHAM ANIMAL FEEDS and all details are on the website .........jim
  22. i use quickset long nets ,so i tend to use 3 ferrets at the same time to get the rabbits bolting .the thing with useing long nets is sometimes a a rabbit will bolt from one hole to another (because i tend to use long nets not every hole is netted)i find this is my chosen method and it works well for me .i always take 4 ferrets use 3 and rotate and rest one if any start looking tired .
  23. ive raced a lurcher at some of the whippet events and its a good bit of fun ,i normally take my yougest daughter along .the whippet lads make everyone welcome ,if youve got nothing to do for a few hours on sunday theres alot worse ways to spend an afternoon...might even go along myself ,anyone else going?
  24. ive been helped out no end by a few people of this site the main guy being MATT241075 ,he got me started by inviting me out on his permission ferreting with longnets and doing a few nights lamping ,after i had met him at a lurcher racing club .now a couple of years later ive got my own dog,ferrets ,locators,nets and permission and to be honest i cant get enough of it .ive been given working ferrets (deanflute,wabbit slayer)in genral most folk i have met have pretty much ok .althoughi did get an email of a guy who almost accused me of having his stolen dog ,despite the fact me having owned it
  25. was out yesterday and cought a doe that had well formed young inside .ive been ferreting nr york its the only one ive had so far so fingers crossed im hoping its just a one off but i very much doubt it .
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