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Everything posted by jimster68

  1. i use a hob with no nuts ,hes a great grafter and lives with the gills all year round even when they are in season.if anything i get more use out of him as towards the end of the season when the entire hobs are starting to chase the gill instead of working hes still bolting rabbits like a goodun . ive found useing a hob with no nuts doesnt affect working ability at all .........jim
  2. just bumped this old topic as someones asked if anyone keeps indian fantails. unfortunatly i had to part with these birds as i developed an allergic reaction to them ,i loved keeping them and they were ideal for the garden as as they get older they can hardly fly.
  3. i start about mid sept with a couple of short trips only lasting a few hours just to get the ferrets started and check everythings working ok .last year i only cought a few youngsters and a couple of milky does but the amount of cover is my biggest issue ,once the cover starts dying back its all systems go ......cant wait to get started roll on mid sept!....jim
  4. ive herd rumors like this around leeds for years ,rumors were he used to meet teenage girls around roundhay park in leeds and buy them gifts and chat them up ,hard to know for sure if there was any truth in the rumors . the guy was deffo and an odd ball ,but did that make him a pedo ? im not sure ? i hope the rumors aint true after all the millions he raised for charity and the entertaining he did at a lot of leeds hospitals ,i used to see him jogging around leeds and people would beep thier horn as they went passed and he always waved to them . would deffo be a sad way to remember jimmy sav
  5. best way of getting permission is just to ask for ferreting ,worst start you can get is to mention youve got a dog .do a bit of ferreting then ask if you can bring your marking up dog ,if the farmer sees your getting a few rabbits and you start to gain his trust chances are he will let you on with adog if he trusts you . worked for me..................jim also as already said get some cards made state you dont use dogs or guns.
  6. LUCAS RADEBE (LEEDS UNITED)also known as THE CHIEF.grew up in soweto one of 11 kids ,and signed by leeds for £250,000 ,fantastic defender and a model professional on and of the pitch ,could have signed for man u or ac milan during his time at leeds ,but stayed faitful to the club he loved until having to retire through crippling injurys.the loyalty and commitment he showed to leeds will be remembered for many a day.
  7. most 2or 3 year old cars at auction with high milage are ex fleet cars ,a lot have full service history and have only done motorway miles ,i would deffo buy one if the price was right . only problem with auction is what you bid isnt what your going to pay , you will also have to pay an indemnity ,and mabe storage if you dont take the car within say 48 hours, so expect to pay upto another £150/£200 on top . also most have a cash handling fee ,so if you pay cash its extra , once youve bid its your car END OF , no amount of crying is going to get your cash back if it fecked . another good t
  8. they cant come back if their dead (lol). if the area has been hit hard,more than lightly some will survive to breed again ,might take a year or two to get big numbers .but i think its safe to say they will be back ........jim
  9. with all the rain we,ve had this year ,does anyone think it could have had any affect on the rabbit population ?. what i mean is do you think they would have bred more or less? will disease be more or less ? theres going to be more food about and cover .less flying insects due to all the rain so how do you think it will affect the season coming . have you noticed more rabbits than usual or less . will the wet weather help to stop mixy spreading ?. ..........................jim
  10. LURCHER LINK hold race days second sunday every month at HIGHGATE GREYHOUND STADIUM ,nr barnsley yorkshire,its fun racing only ,£3 to get in and £1 per race .they race from 100m up to 700m .no rosetts or trophies its just to raise funds to rehome lurchers (one of the only rescues to rehome to WORKING HOMES).a good afternoon out ,chilled atmosphere ,food served and a bar, a few people of this site go ,and a few work their dogs ,allsorts of people go from all different backgrounds ,they also have a terrier race ,and a kids race ...all details can be found on the LURCHER LINK WEBSITE...........
  11. last season ,i used 2 early bred kits from the age of about 6/7 months old .both kits turned out to be terrific workers .i started them of on small burrows and they seemed to more than hold there own .i used them for only short periods of time or rotated them with the older ferrets to begin with. as the season progressed one of the youngsters became hand shy and a real pain ,i know wish i had taken it a bit slower with her as she has many seasons in front of her but she may already be ruined .i wont make the same mistake again and as others have already said its probably best to let ferrets
  12. what distance are lurchers racing over? or is it 600m only? ,also are you having unders and overs? .is racing out of traps or hand slipping?. great venue askern greyhound stadium .it has a good safe running surface (ive flapped in the past). jim
  13. after the last few months of bad weather its been a change to be able to be out in the garden. everything is a bit overgrown and needs weeding the veg patch seems to have survived pretty well but some things have done better than others. i have added a few pictures but feel free to add your own this is a view from the top of my garden, the veg is behind a small flower bed. the spuds have gone wild and judging by the tops it looks like were in for a bumper crop this year, i only planted main crop. dwarf broad beans have gone mad and are over 4ft tall and are cropping well.
  14. jimster68


    chez, here are a couple of pictures of my dog 3/8ths greyhound 2/8ths collie 1/8th beddy 1/8th whippet 1/8th deerhound. not the best pictures but here goes. forgot to add, dog stands at around 24inch .............. Jim
  15. jimster68


    hi chez,my dogs a bit of a multi cross ,3/8ths grey ,2/8ths collie,1/8th whippet,1/8th beddy,1/8th deerhound .hes broken coated,he seems pretty clever,and works the long nets well ,i had a few teething troubles last year ,retrieving ect .but over the season he started retrieving well and paying lots of attention. im hoping to have a pretty good season with him and i cant wait for it to start . i like whippets as they have a lot of heart ,but they aint for the faint hearted ,i will try and get a picture of my dog up a bit later .........jim
  16. jimster68


    im from leeds ,im only really interested in rabbiting (purse nets & longnets).ive also got a young dog who i just got going last year .my only permission is near york(2000 acres),but im pretty lucky because ive a few friends who invite me out on a regular basis.........jim ive always wanted to go ratting if anyone ever needs a hand just give me a shout .
  17. spuds are doing ok (they seemed to take for ever to break through),broad beans are doing ok ,early peas doing ok ,onions and shallots doing ok (have had a couple go rotten),courgets plants are pretty big but havnt started flowering .toms in greenhouse are pretty crap ,chilli plants have just started flowering,cucumbers are doing ok.most of my bedding plants have only just started flowering ,my root crops ,beetroot carrots are the worst ive ever grown (or not grown as seem the case )ive had lots of stuff eaten by slugs .........jim
  18. it might not be that theres anything wrong with the seeds ,the weathers been crap its been cold and wet ,i grow a few things and this year some things have been pityful . i bought some seeds from LIDL this year (mainly flowers, french beans,leauttice ect)i donated the flowers to LURCHER LINK for there HALIFAX SHOW and they raised £90 . even now my tomatoes,beetroot,sweet corn,carrots are crap ,and ive never struggled to grow them before ,i would say that most things in the garden are 3 to 4 weeks behind. it looks like this summers crops are going to be a washout ..........jim
  19. mid september for me ,just a couple of short outings to begin with just to sharpen the ferrets up and check everthings working ok .then its full days whenever i can ......cant wait for the season to start.
  20. i had the same problem when i raced a few greyhounds ,normally we call these dogs WAGGERS ,they keep hitting their tails against the side of the kennel and the end splits, if its not stopped quickly it can turn into a real problem and it normally ends with a dog having part of its tail amputated .you could try taping some copper pipe insulation around the end of the tail (the sort of stuff they sell at B,N,Q to stop cold pipes bursting).or some card board tubing ,ive also put roofing lats around the kennel walls and nailed carpet to it so the tail isnt hitting breeze block .the only other thi
  21. ive used greyhound vets on my lurcher and ive also used a greyhound osteopath (bone man/muscle man)on my lurcher . if you know that theres something wrong with your dog, hes under performing not turning or streaching out properly but has no signs of visible injury then i would seek the help of an osteopath/muscleman ,these are fairly cheep ,they normally charge between £10-£20 pounds for an examination they pull and streach your dog and find any injurys/niggles and tell you how to treat them they dont do xrays or give any medication . if your dogs got a visible injury swelling ect ,then i wou
  22. most of the rabbits we catch are eaten by myself ,friends and family ,the dogs also eat rabbit raw but i freeze it for three weeks first ,never had any problems or complaints of anyone . ........jim
  23. great pictures ,i like the one of the scruffy dog in the second pic........jim
  24. big well done to the northern raiders ,your dogs ran well and looked in top condition ,let me know the next time your on a raiding mission as it would be good to meet up again .all the best ........jim
  25. wrestling on saturdat tea time ,saints and grievs on saterday dinner ,top of the pops ,champion the wonder horse , all the street going to bonfire and it still burning days later ,watching couples marching up the street at seven oclock on friday/saturday night going to the local .shops closing for the day at dinnertime wednesday and sunday. dr martin boots that had to last at least a year ,and teachers you were scared to death of .
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