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Everything posted by jimster68

  1. thanks for the replys,but today ive had a bit of a result i was driving around a few country lanes and every sheep was over 50 yards away and to be honest it was doing mi tits in .so being a bit of a tryer i remembered we have a an urban farm in leeds so i went for a visit and it was shut apart from one guy who was feeding the live stock .i asked him if i could take my pup around as it needed stock breaking and his reply was ,NO PROBLEM MATE AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT UNDER CONTROL i then asked if they had any sheep and he replyed ,not many mate but if you walk down that path theres about 50 LOL
  2. thanks for the offer mate ,its what ive been looking for but unfortunatly your about 100miles away ,looks like im gonna have to do it the hard way from the other side of the fence .thanks all the same.
  3. im from leeds ,ive tried to add it to my profile but it just aint happening?
  4. can any body help with stockbreaking my pup i have no permission to go near livestock and ive got a 16 week old pup .with out doing the obvious and just pulling up at the side of a farmers field .is there anybody local to leeds who could help me out ,i know this is a big ask with lambing just around the corner but just maybee a couple of hours mooching around land with stock is all thats required.the pup will be under the stricktest supervision and is good with other dogs and is well socialised ,im not a mega hunter or or a lamping fanatic but ive been rabbiting this year with a guy of this
  5. ive a pup thats 16 weeks old ,he was weaned on minced rabbit ive had him for eight weeks and he has had rabbit 2or 3 times a week with and without the fur on ,but a always freeze for two weeks and gut first .the ones with the skin on just take longer for the pup to eat and this helps tire the pup out .he eats head ,feet ears ,the lot with no problems what so ever.
  6. most greyhounds are finished racing by 3 years old and very few run more than 60 or 70 races in there lifetime and then retire through injury this is on a flat sand surface .i raced greyhounds and they are bred for pure speed but are very injury prone ,ive also hunted greyhound pups on rabbits they are more than capable but just too fast for there own good.cant see what the lady has got to prove thats why greyhounds race and lurchers hunt .
  7. great pictures mat i really enjoyed sundays day out on your permission,despite a 120 mile round trip getting half frozen to death, digging ,and spending hours stuck on the A1 in 4ins of snow on the way home LOL ,great to see oscar picking up bolters from a standing start given half a chance he doesnt miss many . looking forward to our next trip out cheers ...JIM
  8. hi all ive seen the bitch to these pups work and she is a cracking bitch ,she has speed to burn and stamina that would be a great asset to any coursing man ,and before anybody thinks im one of his mates trying to big him and his dogs up think again as havent spoken to him for a couple of years as we dont see eye to eye on a few things .but i will give him credit where its due as he is a good dog man and his dogs always look first class .if people paid £150 a pup it would be cheep and im stunned they havent sold .give it a couple of years and dazs freebies will be somebodys gold mine if people
  9. I agree, get out of your bed you lazy f**cker and let it out for a pee. As for doting for yer :no: dog is out for a pee while you are still in yer kip E L V I S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sighthound knows what i mean ...... thanks for your replies, will try the old coat one. cheers guys. i used to race greys and sometimes new dogs /bitches would soil there beds [bANNED TEXT] i used to do was put a piece of ply above the bed and lower it so the dog couldnt squat to releve its self i found the dogs would crawl out of there beds and use the pen provided. once i had broken
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