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Everything posted by jimster68

  1. if your dogs bustin his tail in your kennel by hitting the sides ,you could fix some roofing lat to the sides and fix carprt to it ,so the carpet hangs loose .i raced greyhounds and tail waggers are a fecking nightmare .just remember dont over tighten if your taping the dogs tail and cut off the blood supply .
  2. keeping racing pigeons is expensive i raced them for years ,but due to the cost and having a young family i had to pack in .if you take it up it can become addictive and theres lots of fun to be had . You can go to any club and you will be welcomed with open arms as the sport is in such decline new members are always welcome . But as also sugested you could get some fancy pigeons just for the garden ,i keep a few indian fantails in an avary at the bottom of the garden, these are ornamental pigeons that can barely fly. Here are some pictures of birds i bred last year:
  3. a few things i herd as i was growing up (1)if brains were dynamite you couldnt blow yer nose, (2)im that lucky if i fell in a bucket ov tits id come out sucking mi thumb (3)yer as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest (4)if you had brains you would be dangerous (5)theres more strenth in an asprin (6)your as bright as a 2watt bulb also a couple of sayings the higher the monkey climbs the trees the more he shows his bollocks. and the final one for now happened when a distraught friend walked into the pub after finding out his missus had been cheeting ,
  4. SORTED THANKS .....GOT A NICE HOB N GILL in great condition a a credit to the guy i got them off .roll on next season
  5. i give my dogs pilchards in tomato sauce once or twice a week,or try adding fatty meat ,eg breast of lamb,also if your dog is kept inside central heating can cause it as it dries out a dogs coat.
  6. only 12 flapping tracks left in the uk and many are on their knees,i had some of the best nights of my life racing dogs at most flapping tracks in yorkshire .theres now only 2 left in yorkshire highgate and askern (lurcher link hire highgate on the second saturday of every month for fun racing only)its the same old story no youngsters going into the sport its mainly middle aged people and pensioners .if my memory serves me right in 1980 there were more than flapping tracks .these are the only ones left theres one in the vally and one at ellsmere port,highgate ,askern ,westhoughton ,wheatly hi
  7. im getting myself set for next season ,if i can pick up a couple of workers i can hit the ground running rather than bumble n stumble along with youngsters that might take a bit of getting going .im still going to also get a couple of youngsters tho.also this time of year people are packing in or cant be asked keeping all summer ,there loss my gain you cant buy experience.
  8. hi all ,im after a couple of WORKING FERRETS if anyone knows of any one packing in ,in the leeds ,west yorks area then pm me please .must be working .....cheers jim (i know this is the wrong section but thought i had more chance here)
  9. its good stuff ,i feed roughly 66% cnicken mince /wings then 33% beef n tripe or lamb, heart ect.they have a delivery schedual on there web site i get about 80lb in weight delivered to leeds for £40 .im also rearing a pup who is nearly 7 months old and hes big and strong(never had tinned or dry food) ,all my dogs look well on it .i did visit the place in durham and the guy was happy to let me have a little look around ,but a word of warning if you go yourself ,its down a dirt track and isnt sign posted ,also i wouldnt go again unless it was in a 4 x 4 as the dirt track is in a shocking state.
  10. just keep searching the adds and hopefully you will drop on something at the right price ,ive just bought a mk3 with 6 collars for £170 from this site ,also quickset long netand basket £55,i had to travel nearly 200 mile trip to get them but well worth it i also bought purse nets and got other stuff chucked in for nowt ,the guy was packing in and just wanted shut.
  11. durham animal feeds deliver to sheffield once a month ,just visit there website ,they also have a supplier in sheffield ,works out at less than 50p per pound for defra approved meat nothing added .just visit the website DURHAM ANIMAL FEEDS all info on there .
  12. lurcher link have rehomed well over 100 dogs this year all homes are vetted dogs are taken out every day ,dogs are rehomed to WORKING HOMES ALSO ,they arrange to pick dog up and have it checked over by a vet any vet bills are paid for by lurcher link (some times running into thousands of pounds) .its then assessed and the right home is found ,all this is paid for by a voulantry organisation .why not visit there website and see what you think, pointless falling out with people who are only trying to help . GOOD LOOK IN REHOMING THE PUP YOURSELF IF ITS WHAT YOU DECIDE TO DO.
  13. if the dogs kept outside you could try jacketing it up in cold weather .if not as already suggested worm and add breast of lamb to diet.
  14. ive started ferreting this year after meeting a guy of this site ,i havent been out and bought all the gear yet as i wanted to see if i could hack it ,so most weekends ive been driving a 120 mile round trip to go out on his permission and ive also had a couple of nights lamping .ive been cought in a blizzard ,been out when it was -10,dug plenty of holes ,and been cut to ribbons by brambles .and to be honest ive loved every moment .so im looking to get myself set up for next season ,theres some good guys on this site .hope someone takes you out rather than struggling by yourself .
  15. arran ive a pup nearly 5 months old and hes been on raw since he was old enough to eat ,swoping and changing your pups food will just upset its stomach and you will just end up with shit everwhere .i buy raw food from DURHAM ANIMAL FEEDS they have a good website and they deliver to sheffield once a month ,or they have a distributer based in sheffield PET GRUB JERICOWORKS ,HOLMLANE ,SHEFFIELD S6 4JR
  16. hi rory4 what your describing could be ,chillblains, in the past i raced greyhounds and i had a dog with the same symptoms you describe ,i was convinced that the dog was rubbing his head on the side of his kennel and this was indeed the cause of his sore ears ,when i went to his kennel or pen in cold weather there would be blood spattered all over the kennel walls and all over his pen and he was constantly shaking his head that was also covered in blood.after some reserch and talking to friends i found out it was chill blains ,does your dog get sore ears in the summer or mild weather ?even a s
  17. ive been a member on her for a couple of years but done only a little hunting ,ive used this site for mainly reserch for myself as ive always had mainly racing greys ,and for many years i raced pigeons ,i didnt want to just jump into the sport without reserch first,after a couple couple of years i looked at the type of dog i would require and the quarry i would like to hunt ,i now have a lurcher pup whoes 18 weeks old hes good at basic comands ,house trained ,and is doing very well at retreving,at the moment im also working on stock breaking and this weekend hes going to be let off around stoc
  18. you could try taking the pup everywere with you when your out and about ,shops ,visiting friends ect,this should get the pup used to traveling in your car ,it could be a nervous thing in the past i bought a dog that was terrified of traffic ect the more it travels ect the better it should get it could also be suffering motion sickness so short journeys should do it the world of good .
  19. yep ive used tom peppercorn on greys and hes good and cheep also but he also talks about george drake out of the two given the choice people rate george drake far better but ive never used him.you can contact robert meek on 07773327353 he travels all over the country doing kennel visits and he will tell you where to meet him when he is in your area.if you dont mind spending a few bob you could take the dog to PAUL EVANS oldham lancs hes a very good running dog/working dog vet who isnt over expensive if you can afford it i wouldnt see any body else.tel 01616285709.
  20. DURHAM ANIMAL FEEDS deliver to leeds (minimum spend £40.oo)they do 20LB of minced lamb for £9.60 packed in 1LB bags you can visit there website and theres loads of choice the more you buy the cheaper it is its goog quality stuff i wont feed my dog shite .there next delevery is on monday 10th and every month after that.
  21. ive a dog that badly injured her hip ligament i took it to ROBRT MEEK (osteopath and muscle man) as i didnt know the nature of the injury and couldnt identify what it was .he told me it could be the end of of her running days and rated her chances as only 30%.he told me 16 weeks of short walking only on the lead followed by building up the dogs fitness slowly .shes not a working dog but does compete in racing and made a full recovery.this guy travels all over the country and is used by greyhound trainers of the highest level he wont hand out any medication but will find any injurys old or new
  22. like the pictures and a good write up ,good to see somebodys getting good numbers .
  23. i havent been able to get on it for the last few days
  24. nice one jon, ive been hoping your gonna be out with mat would be good to meet up again ,mats introduced me to extreme ferreting last time we went out it was -10 the time before got cought in a blizzard and to top it off i got stuck on the A1 for 4 hours but we still had a great time .
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