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Dawn B

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Everything posted by Dawn B

  1. No, you are correct he does have a short muzzle. He is a Border Terrier, their muzzle is supposed to be short and strong.
  2. Dont cook any bone! My dogs have pork ribs quite often and also pigs trotters and pigs tongues and hearts. All raw.
  3. LOL!! If his muzzle was long Id be concerned. Im pretty happy with the one he has, so is he!
  4. He is called "Clovis" (Yes I know!! ) The only work of sorts I do now is ratting and rough shooting. I dare say he will be out with us. Hiya Leegreen. What do you mean "dangerously" short?
  5. Nah Jessdale. I will hang onto him a little longer I think.
  6. Great news she is doing well.
  7. At almost 4 yrs she is a mature bitch. Spaying her now should be absolutely fine. I think its the best idea too if you work her because there will be no seasons etc for you to worry about.
  8. I use Panacur 10% suspension for an in whelp bitch and for the puppies. I do not routinely worm my dogs. I do not see the point of killing things that are not there and filling a dog full of chemicals unnecessarily. Never seen a worm in any of my dogs, nor in the puppies I have bred.
  9. No problem, have asked them to keep their eyes open.
  10. I have friends that live there, will spread the word. Was the dog taken from the garden or house?
  11. I dont think there is any need to be rude. Its not a "stuck bollock" at all, and if you have never seen a dog die in agony from a retained testicle that was "just a stuck bollock" when it became strangulated, then I suggest you do a bit of research on it before deliberately breeding more potentially affected puppies just for the sake of it. You claim people breeding for pound notes would be bothered, have you any idea of the cost if one of these needs removing? What about the cost of replacing a dog, be it a worker or a pet if its testicle becomes infected, strangulated or cancerous? If
  12. Thats not true at all. ANY breeder should have the animals he/she breeds health and temperament at the top of the list. Just because a dog can bite, chase, retrieve or whatever is absolutely NO excuse for deliberately breeding animals from dogs that you know have inherited problems. Its not about pound notes at all, its about responsible breeding. You cannot critisize some breeders for one thing when you are willing to do the same yourself.
  13. Its will never be in every male pup. Its like anything else, its an inherited trait, if you breed from affected dogs then you will reproduce it down the line. Responsible breeding should be about everything, not just one thing.
  14. Undescended testicles are an inherited problem. Testicles are retained OUTSIDE of the body because they need to maintain a lower temperature. When left inside, the retained one often goes cancerous as time passes. They never have one or none, they always have two, but sometimes one or both are retained. If not naturally descended by 16mths, I would have the retained one at least removed. Being inherited, it would be very irresponsible to breed from the dog, it will be passed on.
  15. Used to have Ferrets, but a few years ago now.
  16. Hiya. No specific job any more. I still rough shoot regularly, I use them for bushing, ratting and picking up. I show them too. (KC shows, gasp, horror!!)
  17. Hi Chicken-Man Yes I have 5 adult Borders.. Plus that puppy that is staying here.
  18. Thanks folks. CS its in the back garden, its all slabs and they were up by the back door. Give me 12 months or so and I will have him out in the open!!
  19. It most likely wont affect his ability to work. However, over time you may find it impossible to strip his coat. They often go thick and soft after neutering over time. When clipped they are completely non weatherproof and will be useless for working is the poorer weather. Also be aware that he will be more inclined to gain weight.
  20. Just keep an eye on her. If she is uncomfortable or really full of milk, your vet will give you "Galastop" The milk will dry up within a few days.
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