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Dawn B

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Everything posted by Dawn B

  1. Is that right? LOL. You really think thats the case?
  2. I dont agree Neil. The KC do not register CockerPoos, Cavachons, Jackapoos, Puggles, Labradoodles and all the other cross breeds that frequently sell for over £800.00 to £1000.00 per pup! Its greedy people who see an opening in a market and exploit it. The Kennel Club dont write breed standards, they never have. You cannot expect for one moment for dogs to be bred by people who "appreciate" their breeds heritage, because lets be honest, most of them dont!! I run the stand for my breed at Crufts (discover dogs) you would be AMAZED at how many people who own these dogs do not have a clue wh
  3. The Jack Russell terrier has been registered showed for many many years in other countries. ireland included. They are popular on the continent and in Australia. The KC will adapt the breed standard laid down for them, they dont invent it!! These dogs do NOT have bent front legs, nor luxating patellas, its breeders, usually pet breeders that stuff up breeds not the bloody kennel club!!
  4. Dawn B

    Judge Judy

    She is the highest paid TV personality in the US. I think she is fair and wouldnt hurt for us to have a few like that here.
  5. Here is her FB page, all the info and millions of pics are on there. https://www.(!64.56:886/Collars-From-Hel-158109154348107/timeline/
  6. Martingales are just collars that release and pull closed, similar to a semi slip. They are very useful and never choke the dog and fit perfectly if they are the right size. My friend makes these. Semi slip Martingale.
  7. Consider the "Suprelorin" implant. It is exactly for enlarged prostate etc.. It will last either 6 or 12 months depending on the one you have. It does not have the undesirable side effects that castrating can. I have used it on a couple Terriers that I do not use at stud and its like they are never in season. It can be given repeatedly and it will also wear off if you need it to. http://www.virbac.com.au/home/dog-cat-owners/common-health-issues/reproductive-control/reluctant-to-castrate-your-dog.html
  8. Thanks folks. Its Bertha Jessdale.
  9. Just for fun, and your perusal. No reason. 2yrs old.
  10. Hi again "Innocent" murmurs are common in puppies. All types, often heard at 8 weeks and gone by 12 weeks. If the Vet is competent and has graded it 4-6 then Id say there is a chance it may be affected in alter life. Grades 1-3 rarely cause issue at all. It really depends on the problem causing the murmur, but in all honesty Id want a well qualified cardiologist to diagnose it. If the pup is lethargic, or coughs etc.. at this stage then Id say its not good news. If its normal then thats much better news.
  11. When you say a strong murmur, how did the vet grade it? Is the vet experienced in cardiology enough to grade it competently?
  12. Will be a pyometra and can kill very easily. Treatable with anti biotics but may occur again. Nothing will stop it if it happens again only spaying will. Open Pyo is easier because they have a smelly discharge, closed Pyo are more often fatal because they dont have the discharge.
  13. Hi It would be more beneficial to get the bitches spayed if you do not intend breeding from them. As long as they are fully mature etc.. It doesnt tend to alter bitches physically like it does males. Males often tend to lose muscle mass, but their work shouldnt be affected, although their condition may be. Castrating dogs is pretty useless and has little benefit. A spayed bitch obviously wont come in season, she wont have phantoms, she wont get a Pyometra and you wont have to worry about keeping her away from your male when she comes in.
  14. Well, its somebodys pet. When some fuckwit allowed their dog to go down an unused badger sett not too far from me, the fire brigade, RSPCA, local farmers, drain people etc were called. How bloody dare they use tax payers money!!! They should have kept the damn thing on a lead shouldnt they!! Or at least of paid for the services they used. Or of course, just left the bloody thing there to come to its own demise. Would have been better shooting it anyway. Oh sorry, please forgive me, its a DOG!!!! Doing what dogs do. FFS how can you blame a CAT!!! ???
  15. Dawn B


    No, actually a decent stud dog will not mate a bitch that isnt ready. It depends on how serious and properly you want to do this. You could progesterone test your bitch. It will tell you when she has ovulated and when to mate her. I did this both times with my bitch. First time it was day 13 and 15 and the second time it was day 17 and 19!! Successful both times. Each bitch is different. There is most likely nothing wrong with the dog at all. i wouldnt suggest leaving them together. Just keep them apart, then supervise them. If he shows no interest try again tomorrow. Bitches are no
  16. An x-ray will confirm any abnormality. If he were my dog thats what Id do. Will answer all your questions and eliminate all the guesswork.
  17. A puppy that is cow hocked means absolutely nothing unless there is a medical reason for it. Many of the heavier and larger breeds are like this as puppies. If its accompanied by lameness and complete lack of muscle (which doesnt look to be the case) there is every chance the dog will grow and strengthen normally. Thats why I asked for a video. Doesnt the puppy deserve a chance? You mentioned "deformities" in some of the other puppies in the litter, can I ask what they were?
  18. He could just be a gangly pup, growing. If you could post a video of him trotting away from the camera and back again a couple of time, it will be much easier to see if there is an issue with his movement or if he is just a rangy pup with ;lots of bone and growing to do.
  19. The breed standard you speak of was written over 100 years ago by working Terrier men. The head part of the standard is untouched to this day. I doubt they were too bothered about anything other than working then. They wrote it for recognition based on the dogs they worked and bred. I do wonder however, how Bull breeds go on with their short muzzles and the "work" they do. Does amuse me somewhat.
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