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Everything posted by PINNACLE

  1. Dartford Warblers my first photos of one. Dartford Warbler by Martin Billard, on Flickr Dartford Warbler by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  2. Barn Owl as I get spotted. Barn Owl by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  3. The numbers are up round me as well as I think are Goldcrests see lots of them still.
  4. Thanks, a bit of a mix Canon bodies and prime or a Sigma 150-600C Thanks, taken near Farnham. The Kites seem to be all over we have loads in Surrey and I saw one on the Isle of Sheppy the other day.
  5. They are one of the best, they way they fly just feet off the ground at lightening speed puts them in a super league of hunter, saw one fly into a flock of starlings took one and was off before the others knew what had hit them.
  6. A few shots of some birds of prey I have taken in Surrey and Kent, I am pretty lucky where I live as I see a Buzzards, Ride Kites and Kestrels most days and we have Barn Owls nearby as well. It is worth the odd trip to Kent for the Harriers and a few Hares this time of year as well the Merlin which are so quick and low when hunting I have yet to get a photo but will keep trying.. Buzzard (blue sky seems to be rarer) Buzzard by Martin Billard, on Flickr Red Kite Red Kite by Martin Billard, on Flickr Marsh Harrier Marsh Harrier (male) by Martin Bil
  7. It is worth trying in the morning after a rainy night or the following evening. There are two near me this one will come out about half an hour before sunset the other is always after dark unless it rained the day before. I missed shots of a Tawny Owl the other evening after we had snow for a day or so, it was out before dark but in and out of trees so could not get focus. Shorties seem to be on the missing list this year.
  8. Barny from earlier today Barn Owl by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  9. I have never got a photo of a Jay they are so easily spooked, top shots. Mr and Mrs House Sparrow. Not many about in my neck of the woods so always pleased to see them on my travels. House Sparrow (Male) by Martin Billard, on Flickr House Sparrow (Female) by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  10. I got this last week Roe Buck by Martin Billard, on Flickr The same deer yesterday with shedding velvet Roe Buck shedding velvet by Martin Billard, on Flickr And again but with a Barn Owl flying past it Also from last week a heard of 4 Bucks with 3 females nearby
  11. That is a great shot with male and female. I got this very distant shot of one yesterday, it was wing tagged with white 39 on the left wing but it also had very deformed feet which is even more obvious compared to your two. Massive crop but good enough to see the feet.
  12. They were doing fine yesterday with loads out but very distant even the Marsh Harriers were having a look. For those it was a Canon 1Dmkiv and Sigma 150-600C but getting close is really the key.
  13. SEO Short Eared Owl by Martin Billard, on Flickr Kestrel Kestrel stare by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  14. Mallard in a tree Mallard in a tree by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  15. Barn Owl to keep on theme Barn Owl by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  16. Male Marsh Harrier Marsh Harrier M (circus aeruginosus) by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  17. Nice! One of my favourites. I did the same a few weeks back 3 hours walking and did not hear or see one, got home and went to feed my chickens and there was one in a tree in my garden, not seen it since though.
  18. Wet Blue Tit by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  19. Another sparrow Jack Flash by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  20. And a female as well House Sparrow F (Passer domesticus) by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  21. House Sparrow Sparrow (Passer domesticus) by Martin Billard, on Flickr
  22. Got a couple of photos of Hares this week from a trip to Kent You can run but by Martin Billard, on Flickr You can't hide by Martin Billard, on Flickr
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