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Everything posted by PINNACLE

  1. Thanks for letting me know and for putting the photo up, I had tried to sort it out but ran out of time.
  2. New to this bit of the site but looking at some of the photos I am well impressed and also insired. I went to Aus last month for my brothers wedding and also a bit of sight seeing this is one of my photos which was taken on the gloomiest day out of the two weeks it was still 18deg though. [/img]
  3. I would recommend spending as much as you can afford as you will only regret it otherwise. There are some good packages out there but it really comes down to what feels right in the hand. I recently bought a Canon D500 over a Nikon D90 and it was down to how it handled as they are both good and were both recommended to me. Jessops and other camera shops will do a good deal over and above the shop prices I got a reduction of £200 when I bought my set up but I still ended up spending £1000 which was my max limit. Lenses, filters, memory card, and bag all cost money as well. As for a re
  4. I wouldn't say she is bony, she has no rib showing and she eats plenty. Some days she looks a right old porker and the next tall and lean. She is 21 inches to the shoulder as of 10 mins ago so I guess she will be tallish even though she was the smallest of the litter. As for cross mum was a grey x saluki and dad is a bit of an unkown at present but we will find out one day. One of her brothers looks all saluki and the other almost a tall blood hound. Her coat is broken as in quite wirey down her back with wispy long hairs mixed in and her paws and beard are getting long hairs now as
  5. Photos a week and a bit old now but we have had her 8 weeks and are enjoying her now more than ever. Just thought I would let you know. You can't see it in the photo's but she has that whispy saluki hair and a rough coat look as well especially when wet.
  6. My lurcher is only 17 weeks and at first she was a nightmare. Jumping, snapping, chasing the cat and generally being a hooligan and she did not give a damn about recall or retrieve it was as if we were invisible to her, it was her world and we nearly gave up wanting out of it. We had read loads of books and watched DVD’s on training but she did not respond, in the end I gave up and went to a puppy training class. In the first class we only learnt the sit, stay, and come commands but how to do them properly. We were also introduced to the dog whistle. Letting her off the lead in a s
  7. I use a couple off old 300 wide kitchen cabinets at diferent ranges, stuck some bricks in the back and if I want to really be quiet pin targets to a taped up phone book. I was asked by my neighbour the other day why I never practice shooting in the garden which shows how quite a HW100 can be, as usually get out at least once a day for a quick practice.
  8. Thanks you for the recommendations, Plummer books ordered and Purdeys Progress on its way. We picked our dog Daisy(not my choice) Crazy is more suited so Crazy Daisy it will be, up this morning and she is settling in fine. She got on ok with the cat but is unsure of the chickens so we will be keeping an eye on her. I will have a read up on how to post photo's and put a few up on here. .
  9. We are picking up our 9 week old lurcher on Tuesday and can't wait. This is the first dog my wife and I have had and we are really looking forward to it. I work for home now so it the first time we really could consider having a dog and we both love lurchers and greyhounds so she was an easy choice when she came up. We know the dog basics from friends and family having dogs and reading up on various books but I would like to get a few books specifically on living with and training a lurcher. Amazon has loads but is there one book that stands out from the rest? Any recommendations welc
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