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Everything posted by THE STIFFMEISTER

  1. You don’t make life easy for yourself do you mate ?
  2. Done a few miles last couple of days , the amount of people who cannot manage basic driving etiquette and require a blast on the horn or a cursory wave to come out / continue their manoeuvre destroys me . was just behind a bad accident in the m6 yesterday, wife was co driving and sat in her phone as the traffic’s piled up , at one point the que was 10 miles backlogged . Some of the comments about getting to places was disheartening. Sorry you were late for you dinner by 20 mins , but there was a family getting cut out of their car . people are rubbish
  3. That’s 100% caused by people putting waste away lazily I work near my waste area at work , when I go past it , invariably there will be one or two non starters throwing empty cardboard boxes inbtge bin , uncrushed , f***ing kills me , to the extent that I can’t not say anything. Spastics
  4. Cracking aren’t they , my Mrs and oldest have been to the Warner brothers gaff a few times to visit the sets . It’s a few quid mate and a trek but worth it to be honest
  5. Looks a good crack That mate and I like to get on the range as much as possible. I always try to be first on and get as much brass off as possible as I believe that all these “ one shot , one kill “ clowns who shoot then sit about all day aren’t building the muscle memory to be truly efficient at it . very jealous of your way of life over there , would love to be able to pull a colt long and short out on a Saturday morning for a few hours
  6. https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/hare-coursing bad character link may be of interest to some also SA2020 shows the absolute ability of the law to dq hare coursers and passengers from driving . let that sink in , you can drive a hundred miles and pan someone’s head in and keep the licence. But if you Chuck a dog over a hedge at a hare , you can loose yours and your mate sat in the passenger seats livelihood . utterly horrendous when you get to the brass tacks
  7. There’s a rumour going round, that there is some sort of reverse aging substance all the Hollywood elite and celebs are taking On that pic are Demi Moore and three notorious slosh buckets linsey Lohan , Christina aguilera and Kate Beckinsale . others said to be on it are Cher , Shania Twain, Megan fox and the usual Kardashian hookers. The story is that slowly they rewind the clock to a predetermined age and time passes slower. In return they loose parts of themselves . when she was telling me this I carefully explained that packing up the booze and ching , a rigorous lifestyl
  8. Aye top right just don’t, don’t say it . they are all on the substance
  9. Do you not think that’s not a racial / belief trope ? more a reflection that young white British youth are geared more towards self than service ?
  10. Yeah , lovely ain’t it. I was dreading the lights going off in a way but he’s pretty chilled when you get him doing adventures etc so had a game of hide and seek with the torches planned
  11. I think you have found your wilf and his carping. honestly at times I’ve considered 2 litres of bleach as an aperitif to make it stop .
  12. That geezer , is meant to be Elvis . as in that pastor, called Bob Joyce , is in reality Elvis Aaron Presley . because he can sing a bit like him . Overactive imaginations
  13. He doesn’t look like Elvis he’s too young to be Elvis he has a back story of who is is from people not associated with Elvis mythology For someone who isn’t Elvis , and wants To escape a former life , why is he releasing cds ?
  14. I’m gonna go with no . as I’ve said before , we aren’t a million miles away in certain topics . But I’m not having that man is Elvis Aaron Presley
  15. Elvis : Lord almighty, I feel my temperature rising ! doctor : you have covid mr Presley
  16. you think that man there , is Elvis ?
  17. Sorry mate just seen this . well as I say , I speak for myself and all views are mine . I did laugh to myself this morning when reading an article about how a man was anxiously waiting on news via text from his wife and sister in Aleppo regarding their safety . As he was currently in London as part of the 1m Syrians who fled to the eu in the conflict. he left his family his kin his country and what will the answer be ? It will be fetch them here . bring the young fighting age males here first , stripping the forces of any strength , whilst the rebels watch
  18. Looks like Mchulls walked through that
  19. I googled the game , it was the one where gerrard scores the penalty and kisses the camera
  20. What’s best is That the lad was taff , do it was perfectly acceptable to knock him up out of bed and say “grab the kettle and come on “
  21. Itvwas that day , I realised , I needed to pack in day drinking
  22. You go a long way to beat Scottish songs for emotional input two of my faves . The pipes version are always best but I like the lyrics of these . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GowMI4wvmU4&pp=ygUZc2NvdGxhbmQgdGhlIGJyYXZlIGx5cmljcw%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oYGQeanDMW8&pp=ygUSaGlnaGxhbmQgY2F0aGVkcmFs
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