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Everything posted by THE STIFFMEISTER

  1. Was thinking about you earlier in here actually , was thinking about our mutual friend the GH who used to knock about with a lad who had a passing interest in feline cryptoids . “he’s a nice charver ya know , just do t get him started about them f***ing radge cats “
  2. Can’t rely on the RAF mate , you should know this by now . no jump tonight
  3. DNA is not tangible evidence for the presence of big cats as it can be placed in a location such as a carcass and found .
  4. Where have I called them liars ?
  5. Oh welcome ti my life . ask for evidence and when there is none , your calling people liars.
  6. No bo no , don’t twist the narrative . never called anyone a liar on here or said they were lying , the only one is that crank who posts regular shite in my local paper . didn’t anyone notice how it was stashed away on pages well away from the cover even the papers are sick of enabling her
  7. And what ? Similar to being in the south lakes I’d imagine
  8. Go f**k yourself you wee stirrer never once called any of the above a liar the thread , for some reason was pointed at me , and I think it’s fair to say that any rational person would ask the same questions . that bird set that sample up , clear as day , for all you Truth seekers I find it incredulous that none have you have cottoned on to a fact
  9. Hackers f**k that , f***ing straight at it
  10. @shark @Daniel cain right , your getting the wrong end of this no one is doubting there are the odd escapee here and there . the nonsense lies in the omertà like silence of the lack of evidence . I’ve seen pics of a pair of privately owned pumas in the uk in a run like a partridge pen . The pics are taken at some distance and are clear as a whistle as to what they are, no ambiguity, that is a mountain lion in that picture . No doubt . Not a blurry shaped black mass , not hidden by grass , but clear as day . where are the absolute defining pics of wild roaming cats ?
  11. Right this way you maverick renegade
  12. Gretna 2014 , close to Halloween 2023 sighting . another miraculous day of driving 50 miles from home and bumping randomly into a big black cat in daytime. Almost like there’s a pattern there
  13. dreamers , evidence of a big cat kill in Caithness
  14. The biggest outlandish statement made is the existence of big cats . Thats the biggest as by default outlandish means without evidence. your mate , which I assume she is , is strolling round with a jungle cat , visiting British Columbia etc . It’s getting to the point where the kills of local deer are being reported as big cat evidence on local media pages . her sighting is the equivalent of someone with a men in black t shirt on and a fox mulder “I want to believe “ poster in the their bedroom walking in a field and a ufo flying overhead . It’s too circumstantial . Especially with i
  15. Noticed that myself tomo, would it have been that hard to have for one day had a spitfire or a Hobart funny on the armband ?
  16. Had this conversation the other day at work .
  17. I suppose that makes me James garretson happy with that
  18. Well he’s dealing with a workshy prick way or another ain’t he
  19. Same girl I had in my link Made up . Not a chance she gets in a car and says “ your dad gies it to Lorraine Kelly up the arse” as a welcome
  20. That woman says there’s a breeding pair in thirlmere, owns a large jungle cat type thing , runs a group dedicated to it , and just happened to drive to another part of the county and seen it within minutes . come on , there’s a reason she’s referred as the Cumbrian carol baskin
  21. I’m afraid the only cougars getting split second action in country lanes round Longtown at Halloween is my Mrs after a night out pal. I know exactly what’s happened there it’s very clear to see . The woman is a f***ing crank . Just happened to drive up in the daytime in the morning , found a dead sheep and saw a nearby big cat . how simple would it be easy for her to get big cat dna ? I laud you and I do think it’s a worthwhile endeavour , however again the narrative is bent to the evidence . you could say that I am guilty of that , but I would say that getting dna and pl
  22. I’m firmly of the opinion it’s made up but conditioned into people with use . https://x.com/1scottishbanter/status/1753751256680599840
  23. No I mean air plane as I’m not 5 in the back garden . thanks for your time .
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