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Everything posted by THE STIFFMEISTER

  1. why do half of them never come back then ?
  2. You’ll be going to enya festivals next
  3. And we’ll be informed no doubt
  4. Coursing dogs haven’t got the pain or brain of a one with bull in it
  5. You have some nice looking beasts there buddy . look in fine nick given the time of year
  6. Coursing bulls , i reckon they are a type of lurcher all to themselves . up at at them , bull adds fire and saluki adds that feral drive and speed . If I was after a proper one , I’d just get summat jank bred ,summat from a decent hare line that has had the hammer , and fired to a nasty half cross No need to get excited about names , if it’s worth a rub either side they shouldn’t be mating it anyway
  7. lol why would a half cross make anywhere near that ?? your amazing , also stop insulting bull xs by aligning them with the ultimate dog for the deluded , the wheaten
  8. I like your style . So what was the source of the dna she found in Cumbria mate ?
  9. Never seen a 100lb bull x , seriously ? have you ever seen pics of dogs like havoc etc ? some of the Reece line dogs throw very tall and heavy . Buddy, the foxy Charlie coursing dog , was best when he was hard weight and ran in the the wet , 85lb was his normal weight and he was only 26 inch
  10. She bought the hairs online or recovered them from one of her contacts or visits abroad to big cat zoos
  11. Too far a stretch for some when you add in that the findee is the leader of big cats in Cumbria fb group, is obsessed with big cats , woke up , traveled to a location away from home , disturbed a feeding big cat , saw it slink away , returned home with dna it becomes almost a story you tell the kids over the breakfast table Mentally deluded
  12. but the idea of buying dna is completely a non starter for some
  13. For me , the mens 400m is the ultimate blue ribbon Olympic event
  14. It didn’t exist did it . That’s the thing . any bull x lad would throw them at that thing in an absolute instance purely for that chance of “ killed a puma with Tyson that old bitch “ crack to quote sexy beast “for the pure f**k off ness of it “
  15. yeah we know what your on about and that type of shite Is not bull x work imho it’s the work of a normal mk 1 lurcher
  16. What about bull x owners who think foxes and the toon army are beneath the dogs they hold at the end of their lead ? Nothing better for the ego than pride in a 100lb dog knowing it can marmilse a 25lb winter fox ?
  17. Not even a question, it would be a complete no brainer
  18. I dread to think what he makes of your distance and time correlations
  19. I could have used that at one point in my life
  20. The Olympics is genuinely one of the milestone events you align to that era of your life The fact that the Paris organisers have denigrated that spirit should never be forgotten imho Counted in his head
  21. Simply as I was there for a lot of the events , watched the boxing , the judo , rowing , men’s 100m final , 4 x 400m , seen most of the medals super Sunday
  22. If your going the whole “Egyptians were the greatest” , the influence of Greece weighted heavily in that area and is regarded as an overspill of the Greco classical civilisation , Egypt is an anomaly in Africa , other North African civilisations were culturally reflective of the moors .
  23. Yeah , I’m the same , watched the 1500m the other night , was disappointed not to see @mC HULL competing but he has been busy of late . i agree though , it’s a strange detached feeling watching it , in 2012 , I was glued throughout , what a disaster this one has been for the athletics community .
  24. I’m just gonna say this . a little girl I know was sexually assaulted a while back , it wasn’t a case of “who dunnit” , lt was reported and witnesses came forward. it took the coppers ten days to go speak to the filthy c**t who did it . ten days from the moment that little girls family reported the assault . Let that sink in before these charlatans give you and inch as to any form of justification for jailing lads within 72 hrs for smashing windows what happened to this country ?
  25. Carlisle town centre has been given a dispersal order tonight
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