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Everything posted by Blakloks

  1. But there not an apex predator. In other countries wolves, eagles etc. thin them out. I would say they are in this counter because nothing else predates them and they are top of the food chain.
  2. Cheers lads great help helps narrow the search down abit
  3. There's loads of farmers around here that don't mind foxes cos they keep the ahem.....vermin under control round the farm ill pull the trigger on a fox of I had to but I just think there's abit of arrogance on our part to class it as vermin when it's just driven by pure instinct to survive
  4. . Listen bollocks go and torment some other fookers your banters absolutely sh**e punk
  5. Thanks for that mate, are the kestrels any good had a look at one a while back
  6. I've never owned one but would like to, can anybody recommend me some decent makes to look out for I'm not looking to spend thousands just a nice wee gun for the pheasants
  7. I know foxes need to be controlled etc for various reasons but should an apex predator really be classed as vermin as all its doing it using its hunting skills and opportunism to get by and survive due to us laying it on a plate and providing that increase of variety to it
  8. Somebody told me a vet told them that spaniels quite often injure their shoulders anybody had this? I've noticed my spaniel limping now and again briefly and it's got me thinking it might be that prob take him to the vet next week though
  9. The Chesapeakes are fiercely protective of their retrieve Ive saw them go mental at other dogs down the shore don't know how that would work on a days pheasant shooting. My wee spaniel has sat down the shore with me at -15 wi a frozen slever hanging from his chops and saw it thru and brought back Canada geese nearly as heavy as him it's great fun watching a spaniel rattle through the gears I think they've got a couple extra on other working dogs!
  10. My wee spaniel is starting to hang his left paw out to his side a bit when's he's trotting along as if its giving him a wee bit of jip, I'm worried it might be the signs of arthritis going to give it a few days and see anybody experienced this before
  11. Blakloks

    Some Info

    Guys some interesting and different views thanks. I would love to think somewhere down the line when I have the room and the time I will eventually get a hawk to hunt that's the dream, birds of prey totally transfix me. I have the land in fact I could rattle off 10 farms I could hunt a bird on but right now I know I couldn't but I hope that changes one day
  12. Blakloks

    Some Info

    I was so eager I sent the same thing twice! I shoot pheasants every second Saturday so it would only be Sundays and every other Saturdays I don't think that would be enough. I'm on a syndicate with 1000 acre I could have hunted it on would be great fun.
  13. Blakloks

    Some Info

    I know people who fly there hawks keep them in moult for the summer but does nobody fly their birds in the summer
  14. Blakloks

    Some Info

    I know people who fly there hawks keep them in moult for the summer but does nobody fly their birds in the summer
  15. Blakloks

    Some Info

    How do you guys balance work everyday life and falconry I'd love to one day own a hawk but I worry about not being able to justify it the fact I shoot a lot in the winter aswell when it's prime flying time.
  16. Can you take a barn owl out to hunt? Or just use it for displays?
  17. Guys heres a picture of the;pond and of the weed that is in it
  18. I don't know I'm just seeing what would be the best solution to be honest
  19. My mates terrano won't start the engine is turning like it wants to fire up, has anybody any ideas is that like a fuel pump away or something?
  20. That's what we were maybe thinking. It comes up easy as the bottom is peat. How much barley straw do you need is it a certain amount for a certain area if water?
  21. It's over rub with it it's tadpole rich stuff co there is millions of them just now! Is it a clear it out job then put straw at the mouth of the inlet?
  22. It's more of an aquatic plant rooted to the bottom than a surface weed I'm not sure if it would be a natural food source or not
  23. The pond we have got is completely covered in weed would it be advisable to clear it all out to make it more inviting for ducks or will they feed on the weeds aswell?
  24. Cheers team I thought as much my mate was trying to convine me otherwise
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