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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. Where are you mate and how much collected ?
  2. Brigzy


    People like Cherie Blair and her Matrix firm of "Human Rights" lawyers will take her case "pro-bono", and get their fees out of what the BBC pays her so as not to look racist !!!
  3. Brigzy


    Apparently "slope" is a derogatory word for any Asian? So that's another few hundred million people to be offended. The term "slope" was coined by American military, during the Vietnam war, for the Vietnamese, and then expanded to all mongaloid people. The woman making the complaint isn't "mongoloid", she is from the Indian Sub-Continent, and out of the three main classifications; Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasian, she would, unfortunately, fall into the Caucasian group of peoples. So, basically SHE isn't being insuled, even if Clarkson was calling the guy on the bridge a "slope". But hey
  4. I don't understand how the pup got ran over mate, did it escape from it's run or get out the yard ?
  5. I'm glad that fat mong is breeding Staffies and not having children !!!
  6. f***ing disgrace what's happening with some of those dogs; but once again, the idiot owners are to blame !
  7. Just goes to show; no bad dogs; only bad owners !!
  8. Here we go again. Just look at the mong bitch with all those dogs !!!
  9. And it's got a huge front disc, which looks hydraulic, definitely non standard; yeah, I'm a Lambrettas nerd ! LOL !
  10. Rake, the second pic looks like an LI , but it has shocks on the forks, is it an early TV or have the shocks been added?
  11. I "customised " the LI by putting GP side panels and SX mudguard and Ancilloti seat on in, but in retrospect, it spoiled it. Back in the late 60's the only engine mods were a 200cc rebore an Amal concentric carb, 16 tooth crank sprocket, exta clutch plate and an Ancilloti exhaust. Made it one of the fastest Lambrettas around at the time; oh, the nostalgia !!!
  12. When I win the lotto, I'll get Cambridge Lambrettas to restore me a 63 LI 150 Slimstyle, my first scooter , and maybe a TV 175 or GT 200, the ones I dreamt of having !!9'
  13. What amazes me is that the journalists, commentaters and politicians have called it a draw or slightly for Clegg; yet the Ugov poll gives it 70/30 to Farage !!!! Typical Establishment bullshit !!!
  14. It's live on Sky News at 7pm. I hope Farrage destroys the quisling Clegg!
  15. This is classic "tail wagging the dog" politics. Who actually voted for the LibDems to be in government and veto what a far larger party wants ? Cameron should grow some and kick them out and run a minority government for the next 14 months !
  16. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/03/pmqs-lib-dems-have-thwarted-changes-to-fox-hunting-law/
  17. . NO he never. IT HAS BEEN SHELVED. KEEP. CALM AND CARRY ON HUNTING Those were his exact words, the word "shelved" was never mentioned. I've just checked Hansard, and the word "shelved definately was not mentioned, his EXACT words were; "......I regret to say that i do not think there will be Government agreement to go forward".
  18. Nick Robinson has just said on the Daily Politics that the Tories wanted to go ahead with the amendment, but the Liberal coalition partners blocked it. If they can't get an amendment thru', they will never repeal the Hunting act !!
  19. Cameron has just replied to a Labour question on PMQ's and said, "there is no consensus in Government to amend the Hunting Act, so it will not proceed with it". So that's the end of that !
  20. So who will you vote for, Max ?? I will only vote for UKIP, if they have a candidate in my area, if not, I'll vote for the independent who most fits my opinions. You, I suppose, will vote Labour....... well, your dad and grandad did, so I guess you will aswell ? Even thjough they are anti hunting and pro EU.
  21. Max, we both want the same thing; but you talk from the heart, I talk from the head. The politicians only look for the vote.... not what is right or what is wrong ! I assume, from your posts, that you vote Labour, because of your education and background ? If you want The Hunting Act 2004 to be repealed, then there is only one Party to vote for ! The Tories ! I would rather stick pins in my own eyes than vote Tory, but if it guaranteed the abollision of the Hunting Act....... I might just be tempted !!
  22. They don't allow it because as the law stands, it's illegal. Hunts aren't allowed to hunt foxes, only the drag. So it is impossible to trade off Hunt Terrier work for anything ! The ONLY thing under discussion at the moment is changing part of the Act from allowing up to two hounds TO FLUSH TO A GUN, to allowing more than two hounds TO FLUSH TO A GUN. Nothing to do with mounted packs.
  23. The hunts I follow bolt or dig any fox that has gone to ground, and the mounted members wouldn't have it any other way.
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