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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. As has "wind"; although I attribute "smash" to the "Triple T" crowd; Teenagers, Track Suits and Trainers !!!!
  2. Where did you get this info mate ? Sky are reporting there won't be a decision for the next 24 hours.
  3. Wilf; the problem is his "passion" has more than likely cost his team any chance of winning the Cup. It's the THIRD time he has done this, and a lenghty ban is obvious. Did Stuart Pearce ever bite an opponent ? No player showed more passion for his country than him. Far more of a "man" than Saurez ever will be.
  4. Some team has offered Liverpool £68 million for him, so giving FIFA's penchant for corruption, a few palms will be greased and all will be well !!!!
  5. Yeah, to dislodge him from his shoulder !!!!!!!
  6. We'll see what FIFA are made of now!!!! Watching the slo mo's, he definitely bit him. Has to be banned from the tournament .
  7. Fettle and Blondie come immediately to mind as famous bitches. I'm sure the coursing lads will name many more.
  8. I've had half a dozen Bovans Goldlines for two years, and they lay well, averaging five eggs a day. Now I want to expand a bit and get another half dozen hens, something a bit different to the Bovans, but just as productive. Any ideas ? A mate was telling me about a breed that lays blue eggs, but didn't know the name; any help ??
  9. Brigzy


    If we do scrape through the group, which I doubt we will, what's the point ? We are never gonna win it ! We don't have ONE world class player !
  10. I'll have it mate ! PM me the address to send the money and I'll PM my address for you to send it.
  11. Blair says what his masters tell him to say ! Who are his masters : Trilateral, CFA, Buildaberg, who knows ? But one thing is certain; the "New World Order" MUST control the middle east oil to achieve their objective. They allready have Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar, etc on board, but need Iraq and Syrya to allow the Gulf/Turkey pipeline to go ahead and avoid Iran. They were stunned when Obama and Cameron wanted to invade Syria, but were foiled by the democratic process in parliament and the senate voting against it. Now Blair has been wheeled out to advocate invading Syria and Iraq !!!! How on earth c
  12. It's a great night out. Beers expensive, but phone them and they'll send you as many free tickets as you want, free entry, programme, pint, burger and chips. Saturdays only for the free stuff I think, but give them a call.
  13. Is it acceptable behaviour for a moderator to alter a members profile, then to refuse to answer the members question as to who did it, and other mods to belittle him ? Respect and behaviour is a two way street. question was answered i assume you have not read the whole thread You assume wrongly, I have read the whole thread, and nowhere does it say who altered Mr Tea Pot's profile. It seems as if members are getting stick, (and yes, some deserve it), yet mods are doing things without any comeback or resposibility. All the guy asked was "who altered my profile", he was called a wh
  14. Is it acceptable behaviour for a moderator to alter a members profile, then to refuse to answer the members question as to who did it, and other mods to belittle him ? Respect and behaviour is a two way street.
  15. Brigzy

    World Cup

    A draw or a close defeat; I hope we don't get a good hiding !!
  16. Why is someone messing with members profiles ?
  17. Brigzy

    Its Here

    . They had to there under presure for hosting it while people around the stadium live in shit they have spent billions !!!!!![/quote It would have cost less and been more entertaining to have some Brazilian beauties in bikinis, than people dressed as trees ! LOL !
  18. Bet the owner will be happy to read this and see his reg on the internet !
  19. Brigzy

    Its Here

    Massively disappointed by the opening ceromony ! I thought it would be fantastic, music, floats, dancing.... A sort of huge Rio Carnival, but no, a politically correct Eco themed nonsense ! Really disappointed, hope the game is more entertaining.
  20. . Lol who do you think runs all the shows on the gamefair and shows section on here I know who runs some of the shows/game fairs, and as I say, it's a massive job, why do you think that is funny ? I only made what I thought was a decent suggestion. Your reply shows just how hard it would be to get people to organise a show/game fair from scratch.
  21. To organise and successfully run a dog show, let alone a game fair, or even a "mini" game fair, is a massive undertaking ! Land needs to be provided, funds up front, insurance, permission from local authorities, etc. When we turn up and pay our pound to enter our dog, we haven't seen the work that has gone into the show previously. Far better, I would say, is to talk to the people who already run shows and game fairs and ask if THL can put on some classes and side shows where all money would go to charity, in the name of THL and the show/fair involved; everyone's a winner, the organisation
  22. Sunderland AFC have issued a bitter statement at Jack Colbacks decision not to sign a new contract, and instead sign for rivals Newcastle. They are bitter because he has been on their books since he was nine, and has now walked away on a free transfer just when he appears to be coming good !! What did they expect; loyalty ??? There is no loyalty in football any more, only greed for more money !
  23. Just checked my gas mask case; identical fittings; the two hook clips and the two larger "d" rings are on the neck strap, and the two smaller "d" rings are one either side of the bag.
  24. Fittings for '37 pattern webbing. Have the same ones on a ww2 gas mask bag that I carry my lamping battery in.
  25. I've walked both sides of the fence, day and night. I've followed and supported hounds before and after the ban. I've coursed, lamped, mooched, bushed, worked terriers , above and below. I've fished, worked raptors, shot and snared. My life revolves around Country Sports. Before the ban, I'd be done for "trespass in pursuit of game or coney"; now I'd be done under "The Hunting Act 2004" , The law was never on my side, but to hell with providing them with video evidence that I or my mates had took !!!! These idiots don't represent what I've been doing for almost fifty years !!
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