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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. I think it's a no-win situation; if another member of the Establishment is appointed, people will say "cover up", weather real or imagined ! If an "outsider" is appointed, the Establishment will close ranks to protect each other, again, real or imagined ! So I have no confidence in this inquiry.
  2. I'm quite impressed by her statement, she realises she didn't take into consideration how badly her closeness to some of the people would be taken, but now does see the problems this could cause especially for the victims. It's good to see her accepting this and not using something like bad health or whatever most of them would do when standing down. http://order-order.com/
  3. Butler-Schloss has just announced she is standing down. Common sense ruled in the end.
  4. Of course it's a stoat; look at it's tail and teeth.
  5. Should have picked the local butcher don't you think? No, not the local butcher, but maybe someone not so entrenched in the establishment and with family and professional connections. We have a foreigner as the head of the Bank of England , both the Tories and Labour have foreign senior advisors , perhaps some one from abroad, American, Australian, or someone else with a knowledge of the English language and culture, who hasn't been corrupted by the establishment and who would be truly independent . I have no confidence in Butler-Schloss, she is to close to the people she is investigating. You
  6. Should have picked the local butcher don't you think? No, not the local butcher, but maybe someone not so entrenched in the establishment and with family and professional connections. We have a foreigner as the head of the Bank of England , both the Tories and Labour have foreign senior advisors , perhaps some one from abroad, American, Australian, or someone else with a knowledge of the English language and culture, who hasn't been corrupted by the establishment and who would be truly independent . I have no confidence in Butler-Schloss, she is to close to the people she is investigating. You
  7. Should have picked the local butcher don't you think? No, not the local butcher, but maybe someone not so entrenched in the establishment and with family and professional connections. We have a foreigner as the head of the Bank of England , both the Tories and Labour have foreign senior advisors , perhaps some one from abroad, American, Australian, or someone else with a knowledge of the English language and culture, who hasn't been corrupted by the establishment and who would be truly independent . I have no confidence in Butler-Schloss, she is to close to the people she is investigating. You
  8. Should have picked the local butcher don't you think? No, not the local butcher, but maybe someone not so entrenched in the establishment and with family and professional connections. We have a foreigner as the head of the Bank of England , both the Tories and Labour have foreign senior advisors , perhaps some one from abroad, American, Australian, or someone else with a knowledge of the English language and culture, who hasn't been corrupted by the establishment and who would be truly independent . I have no confidence in Butler-Schloss, she is to close to the people she is investigating. You
  9. Very bad feet, and what looks like weak patterns. What were the parents feet like ?
  10. My reply to Phill somehow got mixed up in his post ! I apologise and use my advanced age and technophobia as my excuse !! LOL
  11. There are some interesting answers, but none deal with the original premises, would working dogs on "difficult" ground and breeding from the ones that could handle it, and breeding from the best of their progeny eventually lead to lurchers with better feet ? I think it would.
  12. I often read on here, and other sites, people advising lurcher owners not to run their dogs on hard, summer ground; frozen winter ground, flint fields, etc, so as not to ruin their dogs feet. But what about Saluki's, Borzois, etc, that run, (or ran), on extreme ground ? Or American staghounds that run on baked praries or frozen fields ? Have these dogs not got good feet because they are bred for generations from dogs that have run in adverse conditions ? What if lurcher owners here picked dogs with the best feet, and obviously other good traits, and bred them, and ran the pups on these "hard"
  13. wasnt her brother involved in getting that pedo MP let off in the 80s? Yes, her brother, Sir Michael Havers, was the Attorney General in the 80's when the missing dossier that named all the peado's went missing from his department. He is also responsible for not charging a famous diplomat for child porn and covering it up. Doe's any one seriously believe Butler-Schloss will really be fair and impartial if she finds her brother implicated in all this. What if she finds friends from her judging days involved, or Lords who she sits with in the House of Lords involved ??? She is at the ve
  14. And just look who is to head the government "inquiry" ; the eminent ex High Court Judge Baroness Butler-Schloss !! Some one from the highest echelons of the establishment who will lead an inquiry into the...... errr...... establishment !!!!! How many buckets of white wash will be needed for this one ????
  15. Icke, and others have been saying this for years but have been ridiculed . How come Edward Heat, who Ickes named as a peado, and others never took him to court ? They knew he had evidence, so thought it better to ridicule him or ignore him !!! It goes to the very top of the "Establishment" so nothing will be done, another white wash. Maybe one or two low level names who are now dead, will come out, but no one in power, past or present, will be outed. To many people who know about it have to much to lose.
  16. Brigzy


    Is that an Emu; or a Cassowary ?
  17. Few tips; Don't listen to wine snobs, drink what YOU enjoy. Don't pay more than £6 - £7 a bottle. Remember, the tannins in red wine will give you a far worse hangover than white wine. Above all..... ENJOY !!!!!
  18. 50 odd thousand members....... How many have posted in the last year, or have EVER posted ? Let's cull these, and see how many are left !
  19. This is "The Hunting Life", isn't it ? If you want a dog for a pet, fair enough; but if it is for hunting or part of your livelihood , and it's not up to the job...then get rid !! People say a dog isn't a "tool" , but if it's costing you money and kennel space, then you're in the wrong game !! Sure, if you just want a dog to mooch about with or the odd lamp out with, an average dog will do..... But some people want a bit more, ( not me, by the way).
  20. It depends on the owner. If they want an average dog, so be it. If they want a top class dog they will keep trying until they get it. BUT !! Many owners will NEVER have a good dog, because THEY are not good enough . Many a good dog has not reached its potential or has been ruined by a useless owner.
  21. "Mystic Tommo"; what's tomorrows winning Lotto numbers ???? LOL !!!!
  22. And from international games for nine matches.
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