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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. At today's PMQs Cameron re asserted there will be no monetary union. He also said the EU would veto Scotland's application for membership if it didn't have monetary union. When will Salmond say what currency an independent Scotland will adopt ?
  2. I'm an old man now, and proudly remember the '66 team. Just sitting here watching England v Norway, and although I follow football , I don't recognise a lot of the England team; is this REALLY the best we've got ?
  3. The judge said it wasn't as bad as the prosecution made out. He pushed the governor to the ground and held him down. There was some bruising but he certainly didn't beat him up. The judge also took into consideration the mitigating circumstance of the governor ordering the withholding of all of Bronsons mail. I'm not supporting the guy, but he obviously is in need of serious psychiatric help.
  4. Was the guy in the 4x4 on your permission, or were you on his permission ?
  5. He is spouting the anti Isreal/Jewish rehtoric simply because his constituancy is overwhemlingly muslim. They are thick enough to vote for him; well, at least their imans who tell them who to vote for are thick enough. Do you think he really has their interests at heart ?
  6. Brigzy


    I was in the "Church Lads Brigade", and remember sunday school, but also the bullying priests, but luckily got out of it before to much damage was done, to my mind, not my body,by the way !
  7. Brigzy


    I've read it many times, simply to try and make sense of it ! There are more anomalies than I can quote, but heres a few; Why spend paragraphs on Josephs genealogy when he isn't Jesus's father, just so they can show a link to David and Soloman ? Why do the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John disagree on so many tennents that are so fundemental to christian dogma ? If any one can shed any light on Revelations, please help me, as, as far as I can see, even christian theologians have profoundly differing interpretations. Why did the vengefull, hatefull god of the Old Testament, (remember him
  8. If "they" wanted to keep it secret; why the hell would Cameron go up there ? And Joe; 100,000 barrels a day is barely worth the exploration costs. I'm one of the worlds greatest "conspiricy theorists", but the best conspiricys need to have a grounding in truth.
  9. Galloway is a "useful idiot"; he thinks he knows what's best for himself and is having his moment of fame. If British Intelligence doesn't take him out; Mossad will. He should be VERY worried about accidents.
  10. Nige is the only politician I would shake hands with; in fact, I think I'd enjoy a pint and a bit of craic with him. I'd have difficulty not nutting Cameron and Milliband ! Boris would be a laugh, but he IS starting to sound a bit duplicious.
  11. There is one glaring connection between the beheading of a british soldier in london, british youths committing attrocities in the middle east, gangs of men raping and terrorising white children in the UK............... ISLAM !! OK, OK, before DB starts with his facts and figures; I KNOW it's a minority of muslims in this country doing these things, but the fact these people are using islam and the quoran to justify their acts and the fact that politicians, police, councillors, care workers, et al, have covered up, refused to prosecute for fear of being branded racist or upsetting the muslim c
  12. Man U may regret not putting out a good team last night; winning a cup may be their only chance of european qualification this year.
  13. Joe, why do YOU want monetary union, where you will be the junior partner, with no say over your interest rates and monetary policy ? You seem to be a champion of independence, yet this would be a very poor type of independence . Salmond wants to keep the queen, the BBC, customs union etc. How would this "independence" be any different from devolution ?
  14. Joe, don't make things up ! Darling said Scotland could still use the pound, LIKE PANAMA uses the dollar! He didn't agree to monetary union. It's never been in doubt that you could use the pound, any country can, but it wouldn't be monetary union. Your interest rates and monetary policy would be set by a foreign government. I'll ask for a third and final time, why won't Salmond countenance a Scottish currency and Scottish Central bank ?
  15. scotland has had nothing to do with the strength of the pound or the public boe( founded by a scotsman)??? its not an asset that scotland contributed to? you cant have cake and eat it, you cant say you wont have assets but you will take on debt.. its tactics! after a yes vote, why would the uk gov say no to a currency union, blowing a 40 billion hole in balence of payments, 500 plus million extra in trade costs, and keep the 1.4 trillion debt its struggling to manage, its crazy? if the uk said no to a currency union, it wouldnt be long untill the strength of the pound drops the
  16. Because the Labour Party need your Scottish MPs if they are to ever form a government again, and the Tories full name is The Conservative And Unionist Party, so losing Scotland would would be a huge blow to them, and Cameron would certainly have to resign and be known forever as the P M who lost the Union. You'll probably find that most normal English people either couldn't care less or would happily see an independent Scotland.
  17. Joe, you are confusing what Salmond said would be his reason for defaulting on Scotland's share of the debt; he said they would default if rUK didn't agree to a monetary union, nothing to do with division of assets. He said it again last night. Why on earth would an independent Scotland want their interest rates and monetary policy be set by a foreign entity, the Bank of England ? Also, all the major UK parties have said it will not happen, any Prime minister would never agree to being the lender of last resort to s foreign country, it would be political suicide. Why won't Salmond let Scotland
  18. oil is 15% of scotlands gdp, 20% in norway. without oil scotlands gdp is 99% match of uk by international law, scotland cant default on a debt thats no theres, its signed in uk name... however we are offering to take on our share if uk share assets... thats why the uk wont say no to currency union because it would blow a 40 billion hole on balence of payments and 500 plus million in trade costs.. massive debt etc etc,plus more standard and poors have already said scotland would qualify for top credit rating, whats the uks current downgraded rating? Of course Scotland can renage on
  19. thats if the snp win after a yes vote... labour for indy reckon labour in scotland will return to the party of old, for the working man, no more right wing shite... either way, scotland gets who we vote for.... only twice in 100 years has a scottish vote influenced the general election Scots have voted in 40 Labour MP's and only one Tory MP at the last GE. So surely every time Westminister got a Labour government, the Scots got the government they voted for ?
  20. Of course an independent Scotland could use the pound, just as it could use the dollar, ruble, yuan, or any other currency. If it used the pound without currency union, there would be no central bank to act as lender of last resort, and no bail out of any Scottish bank that got into trouble. If there WAS currency union, then interest rates and monetary police would be set by the Bank of England and Scotland would have no say, what sort of independence is that ? Either way, keeping the pound would be bad for Scotland.
  21. Many of them have been identified since they went to the Middle East, but their passports haven't been revoked. The government seems loathe to make them stateless.
  22. Data recently released by the Home Office shows that 1400 football supporters had their passports confiscated so they couldn't cause trouble in Brazil during the World Cup. The data also shows that only 23 of the muslim terrorists travelling to the middle east to murder, behead and rape had THEIR passports revoked !!! I bet the football supporters were almost 100% white working class lads, where as the terrorists will be 100% muslim; you can see the governments priorities are..............Don't upset the muslims,
  23. There is a very simple solution....... vote for a party that will control immigration !!! The Lib Lab Con will not control immigration, they want the votes. So...... vote UKIP.
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