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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. That Was Horrific But Its A Different Scenario To Todays Incident As This Bloke Was No Innocent Man . . But The Tube Incident Showed 1 Thing Our Security People Wouldn't of Been Taking Pictures And Trying To Negotiate , These Snipers Have The Experience & Talent To Off Dealt With This , They Wouldn't Off Just Taken A Pot Shot , Once That Trigger Was Pulled He Was Dead & The Pics I Was Looking that This Morning They'd Off Had at V.Good View Of Him , If This Had Happened In The UK I Believe The 1st Opportunity They Got After Hearing He Was Alone A Sniper Would Of Been Deployed !! I doub
  2. I don't think too many of the hostages will be signing up to #illsitnexttoyou...........
  3. DB, I didn't say you were wrong, I said you know how it works. The number of times I have heard someone say "why doesn't a sniper take him out" and I've wished they would, but understand that the powers that be would find it politically wrong, because they take more notice of the left, liberal press and handwringing dogooders than they do of the normal man in the street.
  4. Who the hell says "poofters" these days ? Upper class twits, usually . Anyone stupid enough to say things like this over the phone, especially after the phone hacking trial, has to be an idiot, just like the morons tweet idiotic things, then wonder why their political carreers are ruined ! Look at what Labour did today; sent all their MPs and activists a pamphlet on how to deal with UKIP, it basically says avoid talking about immigration, and if the voters want to talk about it, change the subject ! Did these idiots REALY think the press wouldn't get their hands on it ? These are the creti
  5. You know that's not how it works. They will allways try to take the perpetrators alive, to extract any information that may prevent future incidents; but I agree with slotting them once all useful information has been extracted.
  6. Supposedly an "Iranian preacher and self styled sheik" who arrived in Australia as a refugee..... Nice way to repay your hosts, who welcomed you to their country......
  7. Just ask whoever you got your mortgage from !
  8. No one is comparing it, Mik, just replying to the lads rather naive post about british citizens walking about shooting people. If they are too young to remember the IRA atrocities , ok, but they should REALY do a bit research before posting. I was in a pub in Birmingham exactly one week before it was blown up... It wouldn't make a difference to my wife, kids, mother, wether it was Muslims or irish who blew it up, I'd still be dead.
  9. The weapon of choice was the Belgian FA, that was before Quaddafi started supplying weapons to the IRA.. I don't know about beheadings, but murder, torture, and their favourite, kneecapping were commonplace during what was euphemistically called the "troubles" . A sad and not blameless on either side time in our history.
  10. Christianity I wouldn't say terrorism, but wars, genocide and oppression, certainly.
  11. It's doubtful if ANY party will get enough seats to form a viable government these days. The last election proved that; and with the rise of UKIP, SNP and the Greens, coalition looks like the best we can hope for. Even the Northern Irish parties may well have a say in the next government.
  12. My apologies. And I doubt, simply by reading your posts, that you would deny your faith, no matter what. Doe's that make you right in an argument, probably not, but that goes for us all, I suppose.
  13. I thought you allways held your own, usually against overwhelming odds on here, but I haven't abused you, or called you names, only put forward my view. Calling me a "muppet" and calling my views "bollocks", dosen't say a lot for your debating skills. Still, you fight your corner, but resorting to abuse usually means you are losing !
  14. I would have far more sympathy and solidarity with the marchers, and with Dessertbred, if the banners had said "MUSLIMS against terrorists and ISIS", rather than "SHIAS against terrorists and ISIS!. By the way, I'm more of an Islamophile than Islamophobe, just most of my Muslim friends and relations are moderates who abhor ALL extremism.
  15. I can't remember any muslims, Sunni or Shia, marching or protesting in London at the murder of Lee Rigby, or the London bombings, or ever marching against terrorism in any form. I DO remember them protesting by burning poppies and flags and screaming abuse and spitting on our returning troops. But now, when Shias are under attack from ISIS, they are marching "against terrorism and ISIS"......... I think the facts speak for themselves without me getting into a muslim theological discussion with you, when you obviously think my views are "bollocks".
  16. I could have a theological argument with you, but it would be pointless. As I said, tell me what I said in my post that was "bollocks" !
  17. I may know more than you think ! Please point out what I said that was "bollocks" .
  18. That's because ISIS are SUNNI muslims, who hate the SHIA muslims and want to eradicate them. Those Shia's marching in London couldn't care less about terrorism when its aimed at Christians or Kurds, or the "west" in general; but when it's aimed at them, suddenly they are against terrorism !!
  19. Brigzy

    Russel Brand

    She is a member of The Socialist Workers Party. Imagine if a Ukipper had done the same, they'd have been arrested. Brand was way out of order saying Farage attacks the disabled; Love him or loathe him, I've never heard him say ANVTHING about the disabled. The bloke with the walking stick didnt let him get away with it though, Brand shit himself and went very quiet after that !!
  20. Joe, the term was "benoverlent dictatorship" something I espoused since I was in high school, many years ago ! The dictator would still need a council to advise, so you automatically head back to a monarchy or a parliament witha prime minister ! Even Soloman wasn't wise enough to rule on his own, what's the answer? I don't know, better men than me have tried. But we should never give up trying to make things better.
  21. Do you mean to say Milton Friedman?NO, I meant what I said, Kensian.
  22. Communism was also a new concept to Europe when Marx wrote his Manifesto. Theoretically wonderfull; practically insane. Even the Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, et al, corrupted communism into dictatorship. Cuba made a good go of it, but the Americans were determined to make it fail. They could not have anything but capitalism in the Americas to support there Kensyian policy to make the Dollar the world currency.
  23. Many people think Tony Blair is a war criminal, yet he is now the "Middle East Peace Envoy" .....
  24. Che Guevara is a hero, yet Fidel Castro is the "commie enemy", but they were brothers in arms to liberate Cuba from the "capitalists" ! Strange how history sees things....
  25. You're correct; give anyone power and they WILL eventually abuse it. But at the end of the day, people like you and me are more likely to never fall foul of the authorities , apart from maybe braking the Hunting Act, whereas people who end up in Guantanamo Bay or some "black prison" usually deserve to be there .
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