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Everything posted by Brigzy

  1. I got 8/1 for Bunting to make it to the final.
  2. Sadly Newcastles glory days were well before Keegan OR Sky. The last meaningful trophy they won, the Inter Cities Fairs Cup coming in 69, well before the Keegan era. They had bigger crowds, and far more success pre Keegan. Keegan certainly gave them a boost in interest, but to say they WERNT bigger and better before Keegan is simply, factually wrong. Max has only showed any interest in Sunderland and Newcastle , on here, for the last two seasons, since Sunderlands cup run, so I wouldnt expect him to know the facts pre Keegan.
  3. Max, you keep, pardon the pun, moving the goalposts! You originally said Phillips was the only PREMIER player to win the golden boot, when I pointed out that he wasn't, you change it to ENGLISH player ! Make your mind up !
  4. Shearer won four golden boots, three premier and one euro
  5. Just thank god he wasn't born anywhere near Manchester; what a dilema for him, who to support, City or United? He'd just support which one was winning at the time ! If he was from London he'd be seriously messed up with so many teams to choose from ! f**k knows what he'd do if sunderland, Middlesbrough and Hartlepool were all in the Premier, he would be so confused as to who he'd support he'd probably have a breakdown
  6. As I said; only retards and children who don't know any better, behave as you do..... So you arn't a child .....
  7. No, I just don't like to see a man who did well for himself and spent millions helping others being called a wanker and a c**t by an idiot who thinks everyone from a town 12 miles away is "scum" ! I respect and admire Quinn for donating his testimonial money to charity and setting an example to many other players. In newcastle it appears to be retards and children who don't know any better who "hate" Sunderland. There's a far bigger world out there....... And I might have guessed you'd be a Man U supporter... Plastic.
  8. Yeah, Shearer must be a right wanker; giving away one and a half million testimonial money to charity, founding and funding the Shearer Centre for the disabled, funding and supporting the Bobby Robson cancer centre and many other charities! He's a Geordie and played for Newcastle so he must be a right c**t ! Max, you realy need to get a grip and grow up.
  9. Brigzy

    Boxing Day

    I usually support one of the local hunts in the morning, maybe a pint in the afternoon, then a fry up of leftover Xmas dinner and chill out in front of the TV with a glass of wine.
  10. Shearer gave away his testimonial money to charity, he has a disabled centre in newcastle that he funded and continues to fund, he sponsors many charities through golf tounaments and public appearances, yes he comes over as boring, but he was certainly single minded in his job, whatever team he played for. I wish over paid shite like Ben Arfur were as professional. Shearer could have played for just about any big team in the world, he turned down Manchester United twice. He chose to play for Newcastle, in my mind, because he knew he would have far more say there, than in any other team. Was th
  11. I wasn't talking about illegals, I was on about overall immigration, Germany has more than us, and the indigenous population are getting very worried about it, but there, same as here, the government and the left say there is nothing to worry about, and anyone who mentions immigration is somehow a racist. Don't be fooled by the main parties seemingly hardening their stance against immigration, it's only because an election is coming up. The Tories KNOW they can't do anything about it because of the EU , labour and the LibDems don't want to do anything. The rhetoric is all a ploy to deflect awa
  12. Max, I think Germany has far more immigrants than us. These marches against the islamafication of Europe have been going on for some weeks in Germany, it started with a few hundred, and the latest one had 17500 ! No mention of it on the BBC or the mainstream media. If you want to read about it, log onto Breitbart London, an independent online news service.
  13. A Tory MPs half-brother has been jailed for 13 years today for sexually abusing hundreds of young boys. This is what we will see, evil nonentities on the periphery of this disgraceful scandal will be thrown to the wolves, while the rich and powerful will carry on doing what they do, and enjoy the protection and cover of the "establishment". The people at the top of this will not be found out until well after their deaths. It goes to deep, and to many reputations will be destroyed if the truth ever comes out. Institutions such as the Royal Family, the Judiciary, Politicians, Police, are all inv
  14. Ideally I'd like to see the end of the "Party System", and a House of Commons made up of Independants, serving and answering to their constituents, not to a party. This will never happen, so the next best thing is to break the two party system, which looks to be happening now, with the rise of SNP, UKIP and the Greens. My choice is to vote for UKIP, if anyone cannot bring themselves to vote UKIP, then I would advise them to vote for an Independant candidate who's veiws are nearest their own. We will probably still end up with Labour or Tories as the biggest party, but their power would be much
  15. Chief Constables have been, for the last possibly 30 years, political appointmrents, we need look no further than Blair, the Met Commissioner. They work for and do the bidding of their political masters, then get their knighthoods or peerages. Solving crimes is way down their list... But manipulating crime figures is at the top of their list. A few hundred children being raped by Pakistanis in Yorkshire would upset the agenda of "social cohesion", "intergration" and " multiculturism", that the "progressive left" , ie Labour wanted for our country. The "Agean Stables" need to be swept clear of
  16. Harman, her husband Dromney, and Hewitt. All Labour Grandees who worked alongside PIE, and Harman was the lawyer for NCCL who was representing PIE to get the age of consent lowered to FOUR !!!!!! These people are still MPs in Parliament, making laws for US. They are all Labour MPs.......
  17. Chief Constables have been, for the last possibly 30 years, political appointmrents, we need look no further than Blair, the Met Commissioner. They work for and do the bidding of their political masters, then get their knighthoods or peerages. Solving crimes is way down their list... But manipulating crime figures is at the top of their list. A few hundred children being raped by Pakistanis in Yorkshire would upset the agenda of "social cohesion", "intergration" and " multiculturism", that the "progressive left" , ie Labour wanted for our country. The "Agean Stables" need to be swept clear of
  18. Well, Surrey......... I'd be with you, but I'd guess it will go Tory ?
  19. How could anything make you want to vote ukip "even more" Not to mention the ukip councillors (as is now) knew about the Rotherham abuse for 6 years and say f**k all about it? ukip, another bunch of c**ts, sorry, tory c**ts Go on then prove it. Turner was at the 2005 seminar while he was a Conservative councillor, before defecting to Ukip. Jay's report says that in 2006 he requested a meeting with the then council leader, Roger Stone, in which "he expressed his concerns about CSE He told the inquiry that the council leader advised him the matters were being dealt with by the polic
  20. What's the vote for, Walshie ? Council election ?
  21. How could anything make you want to vote ukip "even more" Not to mention the ukip councillors (as is now) knew about the Rotherham abuse for 6 years and say f**k all about it? ukip, another bunch of c**ts, sorry, tory c**ts Go on then prove it. Turner was at the 2005 seminar while he was a Conservative councillor, before defecting to Ukip. Jay's report says that in 2006 he requested a meeting with the then council leader, Roger Stone, in which "he expressed his concerns about CSE … He told the inquiry that the council leader advised him the matters were being dealt with by the
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