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Everything posted by twelsh

  1. Good replies lads the point im putting across is not peddling dogs im just saying that when lads on here are after terrier for below ground put wanted ad up the say after while sorted now what price are they actually paying for them and did it do its job
  2. He only serves 10 months then gets house arrest hes already had death threats from gangs in there but sky news were saying the inmates have to get past 9 guards to get to pistorious if he was in uk hed do life it should be a life for a life be head the c**t
  3. How do you get dog brought to uk and how do you pay them as they over water
  4. This is what i think my dogs are priceless but when you see people wanting these terriers then say sorted now what type of money are they paying or are they getting pure shit thinking its a world beater then findin out its jacked
  5. As working terriers are hard to come by the people who owns them 100% terriers below ground would anyone consider selling one for say £500 just noticed the amount of people lately wanting them are they willing to pay this price plus for a 100%terrier or would the owner consider this type ofmoney for his little gem
  6. Has he walked mate pm me if you prefer
  7. twelsh

    Bird Prey

    I was talking to a man today whos just bought a female harris a couple week a go he was saying that when he first bought it and put it in cage he said it was banging its beak on cage and squarking at him but he said this is normal until they get use to new owners is this true
  8. twelsh

    Fertile Eggs

    A good bit of info learnt here thanks
  9. twelsh

    Striker Lamp

    Theres good n bad in both deben n lightforce lightforce wiring crap deben tracer i find its not as good quality beam as lightforce blitz 240 re wire it mate no probs again with it
  10. twelsh

    Fertile Eggs

    Cheers mate a silly question really lol but dont no anyone with bird prey to ask
  11. twelsh

    Fertile Eggs

    I arnt a bird man but often wondered if anyone has incubated eggs from their birds of prey i no you can buy fertile chicken eggs but can you buy fertile eggs from bird of prey a silly question but i havent herd anyone incubatin bird prey eggs
  12. Whats he working below ground mate pm me if you prefer and location
  13. You must be payin good money pal for a man to part with diggin dog good luck hope it works out for you
  14. How about puttin jubilee clip around it then twist it back on it worked for mate
  15. That sounds shocking mate i herd from a few lads thats been down there said plenty of digging
  16. There same around here green box about 6 inch square with microphone and camera and memory chips one them they clever bit of kit especially if people are there who shouldnt be there just shows how good technology is
  17. Its fine around the knuckle its just around one toe pads quite swolen n hard i have done that mate looks like vets
  18. I give my dogs 5-8 mile beside bike but i have noticed one of its toe is swollen near to the nail looks red n sore cant seem to find problem but only red on one side of toe any suggestions i clean it twice a day stopped exercise till right not bothering him if not vets here we come
  19. twelsh


    Best of luck topper mate
  20. I had a bitch out of pickaxes stuff off here no reverse gear find anywhere stay all day but very hard brain dead lasted till 9 year old tho id buy another out of his line today if i could
  21. Is that doggin from motor mate because if thats on foot us lads need to move to ireland good luck good pics mate
  22. Well that saves you been messed about by folk mate good choice
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